The impact of building occupant behavior on energy efficiency and methods to influence it: A review of the state of the art
A Paone, JP Bacher - Energies, 2018 - mdpi.com
Buildings consume a significant amount of energy, estimated at about one-third of total
primary energy resources. Building energy efficiency has turned out to be a major issue in …
primary energy resources. Building energy efficiency has turned out to be a major issue in …
Intelligent buildings: An overview
F Mofidi, H Akbari - Energy and Buildings, 2020 - Elsevier
The objective of this paper is to review the topics related to the optimized operation of
intelligent buildings with respect to occupant comfort and energy consumption. To …
intelligent buildings with respect to occupant comfort and energy consumption. To …
Role of big data and social media analytics for business to business sustainability: A participatory web context
The digital transformation is an accumulation of various digital advancements, such as the
transformation of the web phenomenon. The participatory web that allows for active user …
transformation of the web phenomenon. The participatory web that allows for active user …
Fake news: Acceptance by demographics and culture on social media
G Rampersad, T Althiyabi - Journal of Information Technology & …, 2020 - Taylor & Francis
Fake news has trumped up attention across cultures from the United States Elections to the
Arab Spring. While political marketers have long used the language of fear and persuasion …
Arab Spring. While political marketers have long used the language of fear and persuasion …
The design of eco-feedback technology
Eco-feedback technology provides feedback on individual or group behaviors with a goal of
reducing environmental impact. The history of eco-feedback extends back more than 40 …
reducing environmental impact. The history of eco-feedback extends back more than 40 …
HCI and environmental sustainability: the politics of design and the design of politics
P Dourish - Proceedings of the 8th ACM conference on designing …, 2010 - dl.acm.org
Many HCI researchers have recently begun to examine the opportunities to use ICTs to
promote environmental sustainability and ecological consciousness on the part of …
promote environmental sustainability and ecological consciousness on the part of …
UbiGreen: investigating a mobile tool for tracking and supporting green transportation habits
The greatest contributor of CO2 emissions in the average American household is personal
transportation. Because transportation is inherently a mobile activity, mobile devices are well …
transportation. Because transportation is inherently a mobile activity, mobile devices are well …
" We've bin watching you" designing for reflection and social persuasion to promote sustainable lifestyles
BinCam is a social persuasive system to motivate reflection and behavioral change in the
food waste and recycling habits of young adults. The system replaces an existing kitchen …
food waste and recycling habits of young adults. The system replaces an existing kitchen …
Environmental sustainability and interaction
By its nature, the discipline of human computer interaction must take into consideration the
issues that are most pertinent to humans. We believe that the CHI community faces an …
issues that are most pertinent to humans. We believe that the CHI community faces an …
Designing beyond habit: opening space for improved recycling and food waste behaviors through processes of persuasion, social influence and aversive affect
Disposing of waste is a common part of our everyday life, yet we do not pay much attention
to the process. For many it can be considered a habitual, unconscious process. Disposed …
to the process. For many it can be considered a habitual, unconscious process. Disposed …