Early childhood development in Bangladesh and its socio-demographic determinants of importance
Early childhood development (ECD) is a crucial determinant of adulthood capabilities. This
paper investigates the current ECD status among young children of 3–4 years of age in …
paper investigates the current ECD status among young children of 3–4 years of age in …
Households' level considerations in the vulnerability to potential learning loss among school children in Ghana
Generally, most children became vulnerable to potential learning loss during the COVID-19
pandemic. However, empirical evidence on households as vulnerability factor to children's …
pandemic. However, empirical evidence on households as vulnerability factor to children's …
Parents' Attitudes Toward Domestic Violence as a Risk Factor for Early Childhood Development: Testing an Actor–Partner Interdependence Model Using UNICEF …
Purpose: While the importance of domestic violence has been examined in relation to
parenting behaviors and child development, less is known about the link between justifying …
parenting behaviors and child development, less is known about the link between justifying …
The Impact of Gender Inequality on Academic Aspirations of Women in Ghana
D Leavell - 2024 - search.proquest.com
Gender inequality limits women's ability to make decisions in their best interest and behave
independently of the male patriarch in the home. These inequalities can result in limited …
independently of the male patriarch in the home. These inequalities can result in limited …
Parental perception and practices to support socio-emotional development of children aged 3-5 years
SBH Deeya - 2024 - dspace.bracu.ac.bd
Socio-emotional development is a crucial part of children's holistic growth and development.
Considering Bangladeshi young children's inadequate social and emotional development …
Considering Bangladeshi young children's inadequate social and emotional development …
Implementing the Handwashing Dance on Early Childhood Health Literacy: A Case Study at TK Siti Sulaechah 01 Semarang
MG Alfioni, A Mukminin - … Ilmiah Tumbuh Kembang Anak Usia Dini - ejournal.uin-suka.ac.id
This study explores the implementation of the Handwashing Dance as an innovative tool to
promote early childhood health literacy at TK Siti Sulaechah 01 Semarang. Employing a …
promote early childhood health literacy at TK Siti Sulaechah 01 Semarang. Employing a …
Relación entre comunicación verbal pueril y violencia parental en niños de inicial
IEP Rocha, WG Sanchez… - … : Ciencias Sociales y …, 2023 - revistas.untrm.edu.pe
La investigación tuvo por objetivo evaluar la correlación entre la comunicación verbal pueril
y violencia parental en los educandos de cinco años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N …
y violencia parental en los educandos de cinco años de la Institución Educativa Inicial N …
[CITATION][C] La conducta prosocial en infantes de cinco años, Lima, 2023
LD Pajuelo Chipana, LF Rodriguez Armas - 2023 - Universidad César Vallejo
[CITATION][C] Relación entre comunicación verbal pueril y violencia parental, institución educativa inicial N° 059 La Morada, distrito de Chuquibamba, 2022.
IE Portocarrero Rocha, W Grandez Sanchez - 2023 - Universidad Nacional Toribio …