BB‐SPEEDset: A validated dataset of broadband near‐source earthquake ground motions from 3D physics‐based numerical simulations
This article introduces a strong‐motion dataset of near‐source broadband earthquake
ground motions from 3D physics‐based numerical simulations—named BB‐SPEEDset …
ground motions from 3D physics‐based numerical simulations—named BB‐SPEEDset …
NESS2. 0: An updated version of the worldwide dataset for calibrating and adjusting ground‐motion models in near source
We present an extended and updated version of the worldwide NEar‐Source Strong‐motion
(NESS) flat file, which includes an increased number of moderate‐to‐strong earthquakes …
(NESS) flat file, which includes an increased number of moderate‐to‐strong earthquakes …
The 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence ground motions: Processed records and derived intensity metrics
Abstract Following the 2019 Ridgecrest, California, earthquake sequence, we compiled
ground‐motion records from multiple data centers and processed these records using newly …
ground‐motion records from multiple data centers and processed these records using newly …
Dimensional and orientational analysis of seismic responses of single-column rocking piers under near-fault pulse-like ground motions
G Guo, L Li, Z Wang, D Yang - Soil Dynamics and Earthquake Engineering, 2024 - Elsevier
The promising design philosophy of rocking isolation was adopted to retrofit the aged
bridges with single-column piers, namely single-column rocking piers. To estimate its …
bridges with single-column piers, namely single-column rocking piers. To estimate its …
2016–2017 Central Italy seismic sequence: strong-motion data analysis and design earthquake selection for seismic microzonation purposes
This work describes the analysis of the strong-motion data from the Engineering Strong
Motion database (ESM, http://esm. mi. ingv. it), aimed at:(1) extract a dataset of …
Motion database (ESM, http://esm. mi. ingv. it), aimed at:(1) extract a dataset of …
Accelerating low-frequency ground motion simulation for finite fault sources using neural networks
In the context of early emergency response to moderate and large earthquake shaking, we
present a simulation based low-frequency ground motion estimation workflow that expedites …
present a simulation based low-frequency ground motion estimation workflow that expedites …
Conditional ground‐motion models for horizontal peak ground displacement for active crustal regions
Ground‐motion models (GMMs) are developed for peak ground displacement (PGD) and for
bandlimited PGD based on strong‐motion data that has been filtered as part of standard …
bandlimited PGD based on strong‐motion data that has been filtered as part of standard …
[HTML][HTML] An empirical model to account for spectral amplification of pulse-like ground motion records
Near-source effects can amplify seismic ground motion, causing large demand to structures
and thus their identification and characterization is fundamental for engineering …
and thus their identification and characterization is fundamental for engineering …
Determination of near-fault impulsive signals with multivariate naïve Bayes method
D Ertuncay, G Costa - Natural Hazards, 2021 - Springer
Near-fault ground motions may contain impulse behavior on velocity records. To calculate
the probability of occurrence of the impulsive signals, a large dataset is collected from …
the probability of occurrence of the impulsive signals, a large dataset is collected from …
Empirical predictive models for fling step and displacement response spectra based on the NESS database
The characterization of the fling-step represents a challenging task due to the shortage of
near-source records with permanent tectonic displacement and the limitation in retrieving …
near-source records with permanent tectonic displacement and the limitation in retrieving …