Fundamental green tradeoffs: Progresses, challenges, and impacts on 5G networks
With years of tremendous traffic and energy consumption growth, green radio has been
valued not only for theoretical research interests but also for the operational expenditure …
valued not only for theoretical research interests but also for the operational expenditure …
Data offloading techniques in cellular networks: A survey
One of the most engaging challenges for mobile operators today is how to manage the
exponential data traffic increase. Mobile data offloading stands out as a promising and low …
exponential data traffic increase. Mobile data offloading stands out as a promising and low …
Hierarchical fog-cloud computing for IoT systems: A computation offloading game
Fog computing, which provides low-latency computing services at the network edge, is an
enabler for the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) systems. In this paper, we study the …
enabler for the emerging Internet of Things (IoT) systems. In this paper, we study the …
DREAM: Dynamic resource and task allocation for energy minimization in mobile cloud systems
To cope with increasing energy consumption in mobile devices, the mobile cloud offloading
has received considerable attention from its ability to offload processing tasks of mobile …
has received considerable attention from its ability to offload processing tasks of mobile …
Where is the energy spent inside my app? Fine Grained Energy Accounting on Smartphones with Eprof
Where is the energy spent inside my app? Despite the immense popularity of smartphones
and the fact that energy is the most crucial aspect in smartphone programming, the answer …
and the fact that energy is the most crucial aspect in smartphone programming, the answer …
Mobile data offloading: How much can WiFi deliver?
This paper presents a quantitative study on the performance of 3G mobile data offloading
through WiFi networks. We recruited 97 iPhone users from metropolitan areas and collected …
through WiFi networks. We recruited 97 iPhone users from metropolitan areas and collected …
The internet of things: A survey from the data-centric perspective
Advances in sensor data collection technology, such as pervasive and embedded devices,
and RFID Technology have lead to a large number of smart devices which are connected to …
and RFID Technology have lead to a large number of smart devices which are connected to …
Medusa: A programming framework for crowd-sensing applications
The ubiquity of smartphones and their on-board sensing capabilities motivates crowd-
sensing, a capability that harnesses the power of crowds to collect sensor data from a large …
sensing, a capability that harnesses the power of crowds to collect sensor data from a large …
Energy-efficiency oriented traffic offloading in wireless networks: A brief survey and a learning approach for heterogeneous cellular networks
This paper first provides a brief survey on existing traffic offloading techniques in wireless
networks. Particularly as a case study, we put forward an online reinforcement learning …
networks. Particularly as a case study, we put forward an online reinforcement learning …
Context-awareness for mobile sensing: A survey and future directions
The evolution of smartphones together with increasing computational power has
empowered developers to create innovative context-aware applications for recognizing user …
empowered developers to create innovative context-aware applications for recognizing user …