SGCSumm: An extractive multi-document summarization method based on pre-trained language model, submodularity, and graph convolutional neural networks
The increase in online text generation by humans and machines needs automatic text
summarization systems. Recent research studies commonly use deep learning, besides …
summarization systems. Recent research studies commonly use deep learning, besides …
COSUM: Text summarization based on clustering and optimization
Text summarization is a process of extracting salient information from a source text and
presenting that information to the user in a condensed form while preserving its main …
presenting that information to the user in a condensed form while preserving its main …
Extractive multi-document summarization: a review of progress in the last decade
With the tremendous growth in the number of electronic documents, it is becoming
challenging to manage the volume of information. Much research has focused on …
challenging to manage the volume of information. Much research has focused on …
Binary Particle Swarm Optimization with an improved genetic algorithm to solve multi-document text summarization problem of Hindi documents
Automatic text summarization plays a vital role in text retrieval. However, very little interest,
as well as attention to Hindi text summarization and the wide use of hybridization of an …
as well as attention to Hindi text summarization and the wide use of hybridization of an …
MCMR: Maximum coverage and minimum redundant text summarization model
In paper, we propose an unsupervised text summarization model which generates a
summary by extracting salient sentences in given document (s). In particular, we model text …
summary by extracting salient sentences in given document (s). In particular, we model text …
Extractive multi-document text summarization using a multi-objective artificial bee colony optimization approach
Automatic text summarization methods are increasingly needed nowadays. Extractive multi-
document summarization approaches aim to obtain the main content of a document …
document summarization approaches aim to obtain the main content of a document …
Multiple documents summarization based on evolutionary optimization algorithm
This paper proposes an optimization-based model for generic document summarization.
The model generates a summary by extracting salient sentences from documents. This …
The model generates a summary by extracting salient sentences from documents. This …
A topic modeling based approach to novel document automatic summarization
Most of existing text automatic summarization algorithms are targeted for multi-documents of
relatively short length, thus difficult to be applied immediately to novel documents of …
relatively short length, thus difficult to be applied immediately to novel documents of …
A survey of multiple types of text summarization with their satellite contents based on swarm intelligence optimization algorithms
Due to the tremendous increment of data on the web, extracting the most important data as a
conceptual brief would be valuable for certain users. Therefore, there is a massive …
conceptual brief would be valuable for certain users. Therefore, there is a massive …
PSO-based load balancing method in cloud computing
The optimization of task scheduling process in the cloud-computing environment is the multi-
criteria NP-hard problem. The paper proposes a PSO based αPSO-TBLB (Task Based Load …
criteria NP-hard problem. The paper proposes a PSO based αPSO-TBLB (Task Based Load …