Beyond pixels: A comprehensive survey from bottom-up to semantic image segmentation and cosegmentation
Image segmentation refers to the process to divide an image into meaningful non-
overlap** regions according to human perception, which has become a classic topic since …
overlap** regions according to human perception, which has become a classic topic since …
Stylebank: An explicit representation for neural image style transfer
We propose StyleBank, which is composed of multiple convolution filter banks and each
filter bank explicitly represents one style, for neural image style transfer. To transfer an …
filter bank explicitly represents one style, for neural image style transfer. To transfer an …
From BoW to CNN: Two decades of texture representation for texture classification
Texture is a fundamental characteristic of many types of images, and texture representation
is one of the essential and challenging problems in computer vision and pattern recognition …
is one of the essential and challenging problems in computer vision and pattern recognition …
Normalized cuts and image segmentation
We propose a novel approach for solving the perceptual grou** problem in vision. Rather
than focusing on local features and their consistencies in the image data, our approach aims …
than focusing on local features and their consistencies in the image data, our approach aims …
On space-time interest points
I Laptev - International journal of computer vision, 2005 - Springer
Local image features or interest points provide compact and abstract representations of
patterns in an image. In this paper, we extend the notion of spatial interest points into the …
patterns in an image. In this paper, we extend the notion of spatial interest points into the …
Image analogies
This paper describes a new framework for processing images by example, called" image
analogies." based on scanned real-world examples; and texture-by-numbers, in which …
analogies." based on scanned real-world examples; and texture-by-numbers, in which …
Local invariant feature detectors: a survey
In this survey, we give an overview of invariant interest point detectors, how they evolved
over time, how they work, and what their respective strengths and weaknesses are. We …
over time, how they work, and what their respective strengths and weaknesses are. We …
Representing and recognizing the visual appearance of materials using three-dimensional textons
We study the recognition of surfaces made from different materials such as concrete, rug,
marble, or leather on the basis of their textural appearance. Such natural textures arise from …
marble, or leather on the basis of their textural appearance. Such natural textures arise from …
Matching local self-similarities across images and videos
We present an approach for measuring similarity between visual entities (images or videos)
based on matching internal self-similarities. What is correlated across images (or across …
based on matching internal self-similarities. What is correlated across images (or across …
Contour and texture analysis for image segmentation
This paper provides an algorithm for partitioning grayscale images into disjoint regions of
coherent brightness and texture. Natural images contain both textured and untextured …
coherent brightness and texture. Natural images contain both textured and untextured …