River ecosystem metabolism and carbon biogeochemistry in a changing world
River networks represent the largest biogeochemical nexus between the continents, ocean
and atmosphere. Our current understanding of the role of rivers in the global carbon cycle …
and atmosphere. Our current understanding of the role of rivers in the global carbon cycle …
The metabolic regimes of flowing waters
The processes and biomass that characterize any ecosystem are fundamentally constrained
by the total amount of energy that is either fixed within or delivered across its boundaries …
by the total amount of energy that is either fixed within or delivered across its boundaries …
Light and flow regimes regulate the metabolism of rivers
Mean annual temperature and mean annual precipitation drive much of the variation in
productivity across Earth's terrestrial ecosystems but do not explain variation in gross …
productivity across Earth's terrestrial ecosystems but do not explain variation in gross …
A functional definition to distinguish ponds from lakes and wetlands
Ponds are often identified by their small size and shallow depths, but the lack of a universal
evidence-based definition hampers science and weakens legal protection. Here, we …
evidence-based definition hampers science and weakens legal protection. Here, we …
[HTML][HTML] Reviews and syntheses: Carbon use efficiency from organisms to ecosystems–definitions, theories, and empirical evidence
The cycling of carbon (C) between the Earth surface and the atmosphere is controlled by
biological and abiotic processes that regulate C storage in biogeochemical compartments …
biological and abiotic processes that regulate C storage in biogeochemical compartments …
Continental-scale decrease in net primary productivity in streams due to climate warming
Streams play a key role in the global carbon cycle. The balance between carbon intake
through photosynthesis and carbon release via respiration influences carbon emissions …
through photosynthesis and carbon release via respiration influences carbon emissions …
[CARTE][B] Einführung in die Limnologie
J Schwoerbel, H Brendelberger - 1971 - Springer
Stoffhaushalt ist die Summe des Stoff-und Energieumsatzes in einem Ökosystem. Die
Untersuchung des Stoffhaushaltes eines Gewässers geht von der Feststellung der gelösten …
Untersuchung des Stoffhaushaltes eines Gewässers geht von der Feststellung der gelösten …
Scoured or suffocated: Urban stream ecosystems oscillate between hydrologic and dissolved oxygen extremes
Headwater streams draining urbanized watersheds are subject to frequent and intense
storm flows. These floods can disrupt metabolic processes occurring in benthic biofilms via …
storm flows. These floods can disrupt metabolic processes occurring in benthic biofilms via …
Carbonate weathering as a driver of CO2 supersaturation in lakes
Most lakes and reservoirs have surface CO2 concentrations that are supersaturated relative
to the atmosphere. The resulting CO2 emissions from lakes represent a substantial …
to the atmosphere. The resulting CO2 emissions from lakes represent a substantial …
[HTML][HTML] Metabolic scaling in complex living systems
DS Glazier - Systems, 2014 - mdpi.com
In this review I show that four major kinds of theoretical approaches have been used to
explain the scaling of metabolic rate in cells, organisms and groups of organisms in relation …
explain the scaling of metabolic rate in cells, organisms and groups of organisms in relation …