Heat waves: Physical understanding and scientific challenges
Heat waves (HWs) can cause large socioeconomic and environmental impacts. The
observed increases in their frequency, intensity and duration are projected to continue with …
observed increases in their frequency, intensity and duration are projected to continue with …
Land–atmospheric feedbacks during droughts and heatwaves: state of the science and current challenges
Droughts and heatwaves cause agricultural loss, forest mortality, and drinking water scarcity,
especially when they occur simultaneously as combined events. Their predicted increase in …
especially when they occur simultaneously as combined events. Their predicted increase in …
Attribution of the Australian bushfire risk to anthropogenic climate change
Disastrous bushfires during the last months of 2019 and January 2020 affected Australia,
raising the question to what extent the risk of these fires was exacerbated by anthropogenic …
raising the question to what extent the risk of these fires was exacerbated by anthropogenic …
Dryland climate change: Recent progress and challenges
Drylands are home to more than 38% of the world's population and are one of the most
sensitive areas to climate change and human activities. This review describes recent …
sensitive areas to climate change and human activities. This review describes recent …
Underappreciated plant vulnerabilities to heat waves
With climate change, heat waves are becoming increasingly frequent, intense and broader
in spatial extent. However, while the lethal effects of heat waves on humans are well …
in spatial extent. However, while the lethal effects of heat waves on humans are well …
On the minimum leaf conductance: its role in models of plant water use, and ecological and environmental controls
Contents Summary 693 I. Introduction 693 II. Comparison of various definitions and
measurement techniques of minimum conductance 694 III. Cuticular conductance 695 IV …
measurement techniques of minimum conductance 694 III. Cuticular conductance 695 IV …
Decoupling between stomatal conductance and photosynthesis occurs under extreme heat in broadleaf tree species regardless of water access
High air temperatures increase atmospheric vapor pressure deficit (VPD) and the severity of
drought, threatening forests worldwide. Plants regulate stomata to maximize carbon gain …
drought, threatening forests worldwide. Plants regulate stomata to maximize carbon gain …
Trees tolerate an extreme heatwave via sustained transpirational cooling and increased leaf thermal tolerance
Heatwaves are likely to increase in frequency and intensity with climate change, which may
impair tree function and forest C uptake. However, we have little information regarding the …
impair tree function and forest C uptake. However, we have little information regarding the …
A review of recent advances in research on extreme heat events
Reviewing recent literature, we report that changes in extreme heat event characteristics
such as magnitude, frequency, and duration are highly sensitive to changes in mean global …
such as magnitude, frequency, and duration are highly sensitive to changes in mean global …
How do leaf and ecosystem measures of water‐use efficiency compare?
The terrestrial carbon and water cycles are intimately linked: the carbon cycle is driven by
photosynthesis, while the water balance is dominated by transpiration, and both fluxes are …
photosynthesis, while the water balance is dominated by transpiration, and both fluxes are …