Rice in saline soils: physiology, biochemistry, genetics, and management
Salt stress is an acute threat to plants, especially to field crops in irrigated and saline areas
of the world. Rice is the second staple crop of the world after wheat, and its production is …
of the world. Rice is the second staple crop of the world after wheat, and its production is …
[HTML][HTML] Advancing the conservation and utilization of barley genetic resources: Insights into germplasm management and breeding for sustainable agriculture
Barley is a very important crop particularly in marginal dry areas, where it often serves as the
most viable option for farmers. Additionally, barley carries great significance in the Western …
most viable option for farmers. Additionally, barley carries great significance in the Western …
Market intelligence for guiding crop improvement: A systematic review of stakeholder preference studies in the rice sector in the Global South and beyond
MC Custodio, M Demont… - … Reviews in Food Science …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Improvement of crop varieties can be a powerful strategy for addressing food, nutrition, and
climate challenges in the Global South if it is guided by market intelligence. We conducted a …
climate challenges in the Global South if it is guided by market intelligence. We conducted a …
[HTML][HTML] Productivity of sodic soils can be enhanced through the use of salt tolerant rice varieties and proper agronomic practices
Regaining the agricultural potential of sodic soils in the Indo-Gangetic plains necessitates
the development of suitable salt tolerant rice varieties to provide an entry for other affordable …
the development of suitable salt tolerant rice varieties to provide an entry for other affordable …
Market intelligence for informing crop-breeding decisions by CGIAR and NARES
JA Donovan, P Coaldrake, P Rutsaert, M Banziger… - 2022 - cgspace.cgiar.org
Crop breeding by the Consultative Group on International Agricultural Research (CGIAR), in
partnership with national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) and …
partnership with national agricultural research and extension systems (NARES) and …
Regaining the agricultural potential of sodic soils and improved smallholder food security through integration of gypsum, pressmud and salt tolerant varieties
YP Singh, S Arora, VK Mishra… - … and Sustainable Food …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
Accumulation of salts in soils is one of the major challenges for food production in vast
areas, and reclamation of these soils is too expensive for marginal farmers. We evaluated …
areas, and reclamation of these soils is too expensive for marginal farmers. We evaluated …
Data synthesis for crop variety evaluation. A review
Crop varieties should fulfill multiple requirements, including agronomic performance and
product quality. Variety evaluations depend on data generated from field trials and sensory …
product quality. Variety evaluations depend on data generated from field trials and sensory …
[HTML][HTML] Tidal rice yield assessment in Central Kalimantan, Indonesia, under different cultural practices
This research aimed to assess the performance of a technology package in relation to rice
yield in a B-type tidal rice field in Central Kalimantan province (Indonesia). We selected four …
yield in a B-type tidal rice field in Central Kalimantan province (Indonesia). We selected four …
[HTML][HTML] Participatory evaluation guides the development and selection of farmers' preferred rice varieties for salt-and flood-affected coastal deltas of South and …
Rice is the staple food and provides livelihood for smallholder farmers in the coastal delta
regions of South and Southeast Asia. However, its productivity is often low because of …
regions of South and Southeast Asia. However, its productivity is often low because of …
Joining smallholder farmers' traditional knowledge with metric traits to select better varieties of Ethiopian wheat
Smallholder farming communities face highly variable climatic conditions that threaten
locally adapted, low-input agriculture. The benefits of modern crop breeding may fail to …
locally adapted, low-input agriculture. The benefits of modern crop breeding may fail to …