Multi-Source and Resilient Video on Demand Streaming System for a Peer-to-Peer Subscriber Community
S Goose, A Habib - US Patent App. 11/664,630, 2008 - Google Patents
Centralized video on demand (VoID) systems offer limited content and limited archival
ability. Peer-to-peer networks allow users to share a wide selection of content directly …
ability. Peer-to-peer networks allow users to share a wide selection of content directly …
Dagstream: Locality aware and failure resilient peer-to-peer streaming
J Liang, K Nahrstedt - Multimedia Computing and Networking …, 2006 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Live peer to peer (P2P) media streaming faces many challenges such as peer unreliability
and bandwidth heterogeneity. To effectively address these challenges, general" mesh" …
and bandwidth heterogeneity. To effectively address these challenges, general" mesh" …
On the optimal scheduling of streaming applications in unstructured meshes
Unstructured, chunk-based P2P streaming (TV and Video) systems are becoming popular
and are subject of intense research. Chunk and peer selection strategies (or scheduling) are …
and are subject of intense research. Chunk and peer selection strategies (or scheduling) are …
Energy-efficient bandwidth reservation for bulk data transfers in dedicated wired networks
The ever increasing number of Internet-connected end-hosts calls for high-performance end-
to-end networks, which in turn leads to an increase in the energy consumed by the networks …
to-end networks, which in turn leads to an increase in the energy consumed by the networks …
RandPeer: Membership management for QoS sensitive peer to peer applications
J Liang, K Nahrstedt - 2005 - ideals.illinois.edu
Many Peer-to-peer (P2P) applications such as media broadcasting and content distribution
require a high performance overlay structure in order to deliver satis-fying quality of service …
require a high performance overlay structure in order to deliver satis-fying quality of service …
Headlight prefetching and dynamic chaining for cooperative media streaming in mobile environments
S Wu, J Hsu, CM Chen - IEEE Transactions on Mobile …, 2008 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Media streaming in mobile environments is becoming more and more important with the
proliferation of 3G technologies and the popularity of online media services such as news …
proliferation of 3G technologies and the popularity of online media services such as news …
Eliminating packet loss accumulation in peer-to-peer streaming systems
To eliminate packet loss accumulation and overcome bursty packet loss problems caused
by peer departures in peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming systems, a multisource structure …
by peer departures in peer-to-peer (P2P) streaming systems, a multisource structure …
[PDF][PDF] Analysis of bittorrent and its use for the design of a p2p based streaming protocol for a hybrid cdn
Abstract Peer-to-peer (P2P) based networks have several desirable features for content
distribution, such as low costs, scalability, and fault tolerance. However, they fail to provide …
distribution, such as low costs, scalability, and fault tolerance. However, they fail to provide …
Rate-distortion optimized streaming of fine-grained scalable video sequences
We present optimal schemes for allocating bits of fine-grained scalable video sequences
among multiple senders streaming to a single receiver. This allocation problem is critical in …
among multiple senders streaming to a single receiver. This allocation problem is critical in …
Building multicast trees for multimedia streaming in heterogeneous P2P networks
X Tan, S Datta - … Systems Communications (ICW'05, ICHSN'05 …, 2005 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
P2P networks have been proposed as a scalable, inexpensive solution to the problem of
distributing multimedia content over the Internet. Since real P2P systems exhibit …
distributing multimedia content over the Internet. Since real P2P systems exhibit …