A narrative review on emerging issues about war-related trauma in perinatal women: good practice for assessment, prevention, and treatment

MF Rodriguez-Muñoz, M Chrzan-Dętkoś, A Uka… - Archives of Women's …, 2024 - Springer
Background Wars, in addition to causing death and destruction, have a negative impact on
mental health, especially on perinatal women. The literature has identified psychological …

[HTML][HTML] Enablers of and Barriers to Perinatal Mental Healthcare Access and Healthcare Provision for Refugee and Asylum-Seeking Women in the WHO European …

K Markey, M Moloney, CA O'Donnell, M Noonan… - Healthcare, 2024 - mdpi.com
Perinatal mental health is a growing public health concern. Refugee and asylum-seeking
women are particularly susceptible to experiencing perinatal mental illness and may …

The HOPE cohort: cohort profile and evaluation of selection bias

MM Zacher Kjeldsen, ML Mægbæk, X Liu… - European Journal of …, 2024 - Springer
The HOPE cohort is a Danish nationwide cohort with ongoing follow-up, holding information
on postpartum depression (PPD) symptoms and diagnoses on 170,218 childbirths (142,795 …

[PDF][PDF] Neuvolatyöntekijöiden kokemuksia työstä maahanmuuttaneiden asiakkaiden kanssa

SL Kankaanpää, S Kaukonen, R Klemetti, E Vesterinen - 2022 - julkari.fi
Suomessa syntyneiden vieraskielisten määrä on noussut yli kymmenen prosenttia
kahdessakymmenessä vuodessa: vuonna 2000 noin neljä prosenttia vauvoista syntyi …

Identifying children at risk in Swedish Child Health Services

M Wennergren, A Fäldt - Scandinavian Journal of Public …, 2024 - journals.sagepub.com
Background: Child Health Services plays an important role in identifying at-risk children and
intervening early to break negative trends in child health. Sociodemographic risk factors can …

Infants born to first‐time mothers with a refugee background faced an increased risk of regulatory problems

M Marti‐Castaner, C Hvidtfeldt… - Acta …, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
Aim This study investigated the association between mothers' migration background and
infant regulatory problems and analysed the mediating role of maternal mental health. We …

Implementation of Depression Screening for the Puerperal Woman During the Fourth Trimester

AT Bowlin - 2024 - digitalcommons.jsu.edu
Background: Postpartum depression is a mental illness that most commonly develops in the
first twelve weeks postpartum, known as the “fourth trimester.” Nationally, one in five women …

Immigranters upplevelser om postpartumdepression: En litteraturstudie

M Hälinen Youssef, Å Lemon - 2023 - diva-portal.org
Bakgrund: Postpartumdepression är ett globalt förekommande fenomen, ungefär 20 procent
av immigranter lider av sjukdomen. Det behövs mer kunskap kring postpartumdepression …

Examining the Postnatal Depression and Anxiety Screening and Management Practices of Maternal and Child Health Nurses in Victoria, Australia: A Multiphase Study

N Arefadib - 2023 - opal.latrobe.edu.au
Examining the Postnatal Depression and Anxiety Screening and Management Practices of
Maternal and Child Health Nurses in Victori Page 1 1 Examining the Postnatal Depression …

Fødselsdepression og stigmatisering

MM Andersen, P Videbech… - Ugeskrift for …, 2024 - portal.findresearcher.sdu.dk
Perinatal depression occurs during pregnancy or within the first year of life. It has a negative
effect on the quality of life of parents and the relationship with the child. In Denmark perinatal …