[HTML][HTML] Computational aspects of monotone dualization: A brief survey

T Eiter, K Makino, G Gottlob - Discrete Applied Mathematics, 2008 - Elsevier
Dualization of a monotone Boolean function represented by a conjunctive normal form
(CNF) is a problem which, in different disguise, is ubiquitous in many areas including …

[KNJIGA][B] Social and economic networks

MO Jackson - 2008 - nber.org
Social'and'Economic' Networks' Page 1 Social'and'Economic' Networks' ! ! ! ! ! ! ! Matthew O.
Jackson Copyright: Matthew O. Jackson 2014 Please do not post or distribute without …

[KNJIGA][B] Network analysis: methodological foundations

U Brandes - 2005 - books.google.com
'Network'is a heavily overloaded term, so that 'network analysis' means different things to
different people. Specific forms of network analysis are used in the study of diverse …

The maximum clique problem

IM Bomze, M Budinich, PM Pardalos… - Handbook of Combinatorial …, 1999 - Springer
The maximum clique problem is a classical problem in combinatorial optimization which
finds important applications in different domains. In this paper we try to give a survey of …

Listing all maximal cliques in large sparse real-world graphs

D Eppstein, M Löffler, D Strash - Journal of Experimental Algorithmics …, 2013 - dl.acm.org
We modify an algorithm of Bron and Kerbosch [1973] for maximal clique enumeration to
choose more carefully the order in which the vertices are processed, giving us a fixed …

[KNJIGA][B] Boolean functions: Theory, algorithms, and applications

Y Crama, PL Hammer - 2011 - books.google.com
Written by prominent experts in the field, this monograph provides the first comprehensive,
unified presentation of the structural, algorithmic and applied aspects of the theory of …

Listing all maximal cliques in sparse graphs in near-optimal time

D Eppstein, M Löffler, D Strash - … 2010, Jeju Island, Korea, December 15 …, 2010 - Springer
The degeneracy of an n-vertex graph G is the smallest number d such that every subgraph
of G contains a vertex of degree at most d. We show that there exists a nearly-optimal fixed …

The maximum clique problem

PM Pardalos, J Xue - Journal of global Optimization, 1994 - Springer
In this paper we present a survey of results concerning algorithms, complexity, and
applications of the maximum clique problem. We discuss enumerative and exact algorithms …

[KNJIGA][B] Multicriteria scheduling: theory, models and algorithms

V T'kindt, JC Billaut - 2006 - books.google.com
Scheduling and multicriteria optimisation theory have been subject, separately, to numerous
studies. Since the last twenty years, multicriteria scheduling problems have been subject to …

Comparing performance of algorithms for generating concept lattices

SO Kuznetsov, SA Obiedkov - Journal of Experimental & …, 2002 - Taylor & Francis
Recently concept lattices became widely used tools for intelligent data analysis. In this
paper, several algorithms that generate the set of all formal concepts and diagram graphs of …