The role of game mammals as bushmeat in the Caatinga, northeast Brazil

RRD Barboza, SF Lopes, WMS Souto… - Ecology and …, 2016 - JSTOR
Although the use of wild mammals as a source of food has been better studied in tropical
forest environments, their importance as a source of protein for human communities in …

[HTML][HTML] Mammals of Mato Grosso, Brazil: annotated species list and historical review

MV Brandão, GS Terra Garbino… - Mastozoología …, 2019 - SciELO Argentina
REVIEW SciELO - Scientific Electronic Library Online vol.26 número2 INVASION BY Canis …

Pteronura brasiliensis (Carnivora: Mustelidae)

P Noonan, S Prout, V Hayssen - Mammalian Species, 2017 -
Pteronura brasiliensis, the giant otter, is the largest freshwater otter. Found in South
America, it inhabits slow-moving rivers and creeks and feeds predominantly on fish. Extinct …

Reconstructing the historical distribution and local extinction of the giant otter Pteronura brasiliensis in the Atlantic Forest of South America

GST Garbino, S Siciliano… - Aquatic conservation …, 2022 - Wiley Online Library
Quantifying the distribution of an endangered species in space and time is crucial for
planning management and conservation actions. The giant otter (Pteronura brasiliensis) is …

[PDF][PDF] Cumulative environmental impacts and extinction risk of Brazilian carnivores

B de Mello Beisiegel - Oecologia Australis, 2017 -
Mammalian carnivores are crucial bioindicators of environmental impacts. Threats to the
Brazilian carnivores identified by the national evaluation of extinction risk were reviewed in …

Claws and Fangs: Carnivore Abundance and the conservation importance of Amazonia

TG de Oliveira, BC Lima, LA Fox-Rosales… - … : Current knowledge and …, 2024 - Springer
The Amazon biome spans 6.7 million km2 across nine South American countries and is
increasingly facing anthropogenic pressures. In this setting, we find a rich assemblage of …

Evaluation of Giant and Neotropical Otter as environmental assets in Conservation Tourism based on emergy analysis

OC Junior, AB Birolo - Journal of Sustainable Tourism and …, 2021 -
Purpose: The main objective of this work is to evaluate the natural capital and ecosystem
services of the Aquidauana River and the role of Lontra longicaudis and Pteronura …

A caça no Brasil: panorama histórico e atual

HF Ferreira - 2014 -
No Brasil, atividades cinegéticas são amplamente realizadas em todo o território e desde
períodos remotos, provocando drásticas consequências ambientais, embora nunca tenha …

Amazonian Aquatic Mammals: Existing Knowledge, Current Threats and Future Studies

PF Rosas-Ribeiro, FCW Rosas, RS Amaral… - … Current Knowledge and …, 2024 - Springer
Seven known species of aquatic mammals inhabit the Brazilian Amazon: tucuxi (Sotalia
fluviatilis), the three boto species (Inia geoffrensis, I. boliviensis and I. araguaiaensis) …

Rediscovery of Pteronura brasiliensis in the Amanã Sustainable Development Reserve, Amazonas, Brazil

M Marmontel, J Calvimontes… - Latin American Journal of …, 2015 -
This research describes efforts to confirm and document the presence and distribution of
giant otters in the Amanã Lake and surrounding creeks, where the species was considered …