[HTML][HTML] Climate change: Strategies for mitigation and adaptation
The sustainability of life on Earth is under increasing threat due to human-induced climate
change. This perilous change in the Earth's climate is caused by increases in carbon dioxide …
change. This perilous change in the Earth's climate is caused by increases in carbon dioxide …
A global deal for nature: Guiding principles, milestones, and targets
The Global Deal for Nature (GDN) is a time-bound, science-driven plan to save the diversity
and abundance of life on Earth. Pairing the GDN and the Paris Climate Agreement would …
and abundance of life on Earth. Pairing the GDN and the Paris Climate Agreement would …
Integrated global assessment of the natural forest carbon potential
Forests are a substantial terrestrial carbon sink, but anthropogenic changes in land use and
climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system. Remote-sensing estimates to …
climate have considerably reduced the scale of this system. Remote-sensing estimates to …
Sub-continental-scale carbon stocks of individual trees in African drylands
The distribution of dryland trees and their density, cover, size, mass and carbon content are
not well known at sub-continental to continental scales,,,,,,,,,,,,–. This information is important …
not well known at sub-continental to continental scales,,,,,,,,,,,,–. This information is important …
Nation-wide map** of tree-level aboveground carbon stocks in Rwanda
Trees sustain livelihoods and mitigate climate change but a predominance of trees outside
forests and limited resources make it difficult for many tropical countries to conduct …
forests and limited resources make it difficult for many tropical countries to conduct …
Areas of global importance for conserving terrestrial biodiversity, carbon and water
M Jung, A Arnell, X De Lamo… - Nature Ecology & …, 2021 - nature.com
To meet the ambitious objectives of biodiversity and climate conventions, the international
community requires clarity on how these objectives can be operationalized spatially and …
community requires clarity on how these objectives can be operationalized spatially and …
SAR data applications in earth observation: An overview
In this review, we present the main approaches developed around satellite and airborne
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. The great range of SAR imagery applications is …
Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imagery. The great range of SAR imagery applications is …
Improving above ground biomass estimates of Southern Africa dryland forests by combining Sentinel-1 SAR and Sentinel-2 multispectral imagery
Having the ability to make accurate assessments of above ground biomass (AGB) at high
spatial resolution is invaluable for the management of dryland forest resources in areas at …
spatial resolution is invaluable for the management of dryland forest resources in areas at …
[HTML][HTML] The global forest above-ground biomass pool for 2010 estimated from high-resolution satellite observations
The terrestrial forest carbon pool is poorly quantified, in particular in regions with low forest
inventory capacity. By combining multiple satellite observations of synthetic aperture radar …
inventory capacity. By combining multiple satellite observations of synthetic aperture radar …
Review of remote sensing-based methods for forest aboveground biomass estimation: Progress, challenges, and prospects
Quantifying forest aboveground biomass (AGB) is essential for elucidating the global carbon
cycle and the response of forest ecosystems to climate change. Over the past five decades …
cycle and the response of forest ecosystems to climate change. Over the past five decades …