Artificial flat band systems: from lattice models to experiments
Certain lattice wave systems in translationally invariant settings have one or more spectral
bands that are strictly flat or independent of momentum in the tight binding approximation …
bands that are strictly flat or independent of momentum in the tight binding approximation …
Singular flat bands
We review recent progresses in the study of flat band systems, especially focusing on the
fundamental physics related to the singularity of the flat band's Bloch wave functions. We first …
fundamental physics related to the singularity of the flat band's Bloch wave functions. We first …
Many-body Hilbert space scarring on a superconducting processor
Quantum many-body scarring (QMBS) is a recently discovered form of weak ergodicity
breaking in strongly interacting quantum systems, which presents opportunities for mitigating …
breaking in strongly interacting quantum systems, which presents opportunities for mitigating …
Classification of flat bands according to the band-crossing singularity of Bloch wave functions
We show that flat bands can be categorized into two distinct classes, that is, singular and
nonsingular flat bands, by exploiting the singular behavior of their Bloch wave functions in …
nonsingular flat bands, by exploiting the singular behavior of their Bloch wave functions in …
Perspective: photonic flatbands
Analogies between electronic condensed matter systems and optics attract widespread
attention nowadays, underlying much research in photonics. Prominent examples where …
attention nowadays, underlying much research in photonics. Prominent examples where …
Unconventional flatband line states in photonic Lieb lattices
S ** two unidimensional photonic crystal slabs with mismatched periods. The …
Flat bands and band-touching from real-space topology in hyperbolic lattices
Motivated by the recent experimental realizations of hyperbolic lattices in circuit quantum
electrodynamics and in classical electric-circuit networks, we study flat bands and band …
electrodynamics and in classical electric-circuit networks, we study flat bands and band …
Classification of classical spin liquids: Detailed formalism and suite of examples
The hallmark of highly frustrated systems is the presence of many states close in energy to
the ground state. Fluctuations between these states can preclude the emergence of any form …
the ground state. Fluctuations between these states can preclude the emergence of any form …
Chiral flat bands: Existence, engineering, and stability
We study flat bands in bipartite tight-binding networks with discrete translational invariance.
Chiral flat bands with chiral symmetry eigenenergy E= 0 and host compact localized …
Chiral flat bands with chiral symmetry eigenenergy E= 0 and host compact localized …