Running away from home: Understanding visitor experiences and behaviour at sport tourism events

R Shipway, I Jones - International Journal of Tourism Research, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Existing sport tourism research has been subject to claims of lacking coherence, theoretical
underpinning and empirical support. This paper addresses these issues through an …

The great suburban Everest: An 'insiders' perspective on experiences at the 2007 Flora London Marathon

S Richard, I Jones - Journal of Sport & Tourism, 2008 - Taylor & Francis
Using the concepts of serious leisure and social identification, this paper explores the
experiences of 'serious' participants travelling to take part in the 2007 Flora London …

Diversity identity management: An organizational perspective

BM Cole, MS Salimath - Journal of business ethics, 2013 - Springer
Organizations are faced with the challenge of responding to increasing pressures to
promote diversity in various ways. We draw attention to one possible proactive …

Which identities matter? A mixed-method study of group, organizational, and professional identities and their relationship to burnout

JC Lammers, YL Atouba… - Management …, 2013 -
Considerable research views group, organizational, and professional identities as
theoretically and methodologically similar. This study suggests that these identities are …

Determinants of organisational identification and supportive intentions

T Kim, K Chang, Y Jae Ko - Journal of Marketing Management, 2010 - Taylor & Francis
Organisational identification is the perception of belongingness to an organisation and a
sense of oneness with the organisation. Identification has long been recognised as having …

Organizational and occupational identification: Relations to teacher satisfaction and intention to early retirement

M Gümüş, B Hamarat, E Çolak, E Duran - Career Development …, 2012 -
Purpose–This paper aims to explore the effects of two work related identification
(occupational and organizational) of school teachers on intention to early retirement …

Dis-identification in organizations and its role in the workplace

K Chang, CC Kuo, M Su, J Taylor - Relations industrielles, 2013 -
Considerable theory and research has revealed that organizational identification (OID)
benefits individuals and groups and that OID facilitates the development of long-term …

[HTML][HTML] Social identity and engagement: An exploratory study at university

M Bernabé, A Lisbona, FJ Palací… - Revista de Psicología del …, 2016 - Elsevier
Within the framework of research on students' active performance in their study habits, the
aim of this study is to analyze a model predicting the effect of social identity and personal …

[PDF][PDF] Birey-Örgüt Degerleri Arasindaki Uyumun Örgütle Özdeslesme ile Iliskisi

HU Özcan - Turk Psikoloji Yazilari, 2012 -
Özet Bu çalışmanın amacı, birey değerleri ile örgüt değerleri uyumunun çalışanın örgütle
özdeşleşmesi üzerindeki etkilerini incelemektir. Kıdemin bu ilişkideki şartlı değişken rolünü …

Identity leadership in family businesses: The important role of nonfamily leaders

PS Boberg, J Bövers, KC Bormann, C Hoon - Journal of Family Business …, 2023 - Elsevier
Nonfamily employees' identification with the family firm is of importance as higher levels of
identification are related to organizationally desired outcomes. However, nonfamily …