Precise classification and regional delineation of maturity groups in soybean cultivars across China
W Song, L Liu, S Sun, T Wu, H Zeng, S Tian… - European Journal of …, 2023 - Elsevier
The maturity group (MG) system is a widely recognized and effective approach for assessing
the photothermal sensitivity of soybean cultivars and determining their optimal adaptation …
the photothermal sensitivity of soybean cultivars and determining their optimal adaptation …
[HTML][HTML] Maximising soybean productivity with late maturity groups in Mediterranean irrigated systems
Context The EU aims to improve plant protein production profitably and sustainably with a
range of grain legumes suitable to different climatic conditions. Soybean (Glycine max …
range of grain legumes suitable to different climatic conditions. Soybean (Glycine max …
Water use and crop coefficients of soybean cultivars of diverse maturity groups and assessment of related water management strategies
MT Petry, TF Magalhães, P Paredes, JD Martins… - Irrigation Science, 2023 - Springer
The FAO-56 two-step approach (Kc-ETo) is commonly used to estimate crop
evapotranspiration (ETc) for various crops and climate conditions. This approach consists of …
evapotranspiration (ETc) for various crops and climate conditions. This approach consists of …
[HTML][HTML] Integration of prognostic sowing and harvesting schemes to enhance crop dynamic growth simulation in Noah-MP-Crop model
Detailed sowing and harvesting (S&H) information is crucial for climate-coupled crop models
to accurately simulate dynamic crop growth. The timing of intra-annual crop growth not only …
to accurately simulate dynamic crop growth. The timing of intra-annual crop growth not only …
Soybean and cotton spermosphere soil microbiome shows dominance of soilborne copiotrophs
The spermosphere is the transient, immediate zone of soil around imbibing and germinating
seeds. It represents a habitat where there is contact between seed-associated microbes and …
seeds. It represents a habitat where there is contact between seed-associated microbes and …
Soybean planting dates and maturity groups: Maximizing yield potential and decreasing risk in Louisiana
Abstract Soybean [Glycine max (L.) Merr.] producers in Louisiana began shifting to an early
soybean production system (ESPS) in the early 2000s by planting earlier maturing varieties …
soybean production system (ESPS) in the early 2000s by planting earlier maturing varieties …
Unravelling the environmental drivers determining the residual fraction of soybean seed
There are three main components of soybean (Glycine max (L.) Merr.) seeds: protein, oil,
and residual. The residual fraction includes soluble and insoluble carbohydrates, lignin, and …
and residual. The residual fraction includes soluble and insoluble carbohydrates, lignin, and …
Density, not tillage, increases soybean protein concentration in some southeastern US environments
Management decisions like planting density and tillage could influence soybean seed
composition through their impacts on competition and soil properties. To determine if either …
composition through their impacts on competition and soil properties. To determine if either …
Soybean yield is positively linked to organic matter, but planting date remains more influential
Establishing connections between soil health indicators and crop performance will help
ensure that tests recommended to farmers relate to outcomes of interest. This study …
ensure that tests recommended to farmers relate to outcomes of interest. This study …
Assessment of soybean yield variability in the southeastern US with the calibration of genetic coefficients from variety trials using CROPGRO‐Soybean
Abstract Soybean (Glycine max [L.] Merr.) is a major crop cultivated in the United States, and
it is well adapted to different latitudes and weather conditions. However, grain yield …
it is well adapted to different latitudes and weather conditions. However, grain yield …