Optical configurations for head-worn see-through displays

JN Border - US Patent 9,841,599, 2017‏ - Google Patents
Aspects of the present invention relate to methods and systems for providing a high
transmission see-through view of the environment while trap** esca** light from the …

Compact optical system with improved illumination

JN Border - US Patent 10,007,118, 2018‏ - Google Patents
US10007118B2 - Compact optical system with improved illumination - Google Patents
US10007118B2 - Compact optical system with improved illumination - Google Patents …

Optical configurations for head worn computing

RF Osterhout, JN Border, JD Haddick - US Patent App. 14/194,532, 2015‏ - Google Patents
US20150205119A1 - Optical configurations for head worn computing - Google Patents
US20150205119A1 - Optical configurations for head worn computing - Google Patents …

See-through computer display systems

JN Border, J Bietry, JD Haddick - US Patent 9,933,622, 2018‏ - Google Patents
US9933622B2 - See-through computer display systems - Google Patents US9933622B2 -
See-through computer display systems - Google Patents See-through computer display systems …

See-through computer display systems

JN Border - US Patent 10,001,644, 2018‏ - Google Patents
US10001644B2 - See-through computer display systems - Google Patents US10001644B2 -
See-through computer display systems - Google Patents See-through computer display …

Compact optics with reduced chromatic aberrations

JN Border, J Bietry - US Patent 10,222,618, 2019‏ - Google Patents
US10222618B2 - Compact optics with reduced chromatic aberrations - Google Patents
US10222618B2 - Compact optics with reduced chromatic aberrations - Google Patents …

Optical configurations for head-worn see-through displays

JN Border - US Patent 10,877,270, 2020‏ - Google Patents
Aspects of the present invention relate to methods and systems for providing a high
transmission see-through view of the environment while trap** esca** light from the …

Compact optical system with improved contrast uniformity

JN Border - US Patent 10,012,838, 2018‏ - Google Patents
US10012838B2 - Compact optical system with improved contrast uniformity - Google
Patents US10012838B2 - Compact optical system with improved contrast uniformity …

See-through computer display systems

JN Border, J Bietry, G Hires - US Patent 10,078,224, 2018‏ - Google Patents
US10078224B2 - See-through computer display systems - Google Patents US10078224B2 -
See-through computer display systems - Google Patents See-through computer display …

Eye imaging in head worn computing

JN Border - US Patent 11,099,380, 2021‏ - Google Patents
Aspects of the present invention relate to methods and systems for imaging, recognizing,
and tracking of a user's eye that is wearing a HWC. Aspects further relate to the processing …