[KNYGA][B] Extremal finite set theory
Extremal Finite Set Theory surveys old and new results in the area of extremal set system
theory. It presents an overview of the main techniques and tools (shifting, the cycle method …
theory. It presents an overview of the main techniques and tools (shifting, the cycle method …
On the general position problem on Kneser graphs
B Patkós - arxiv preprint arxiv:1903.08056, 2019 - arxiv.org
In a graph $ G $, a geodesic between two vertices $ x $ and $ y $ is a shortest path
connecting $ x $ to $ y $. A subset $ S $ of the vertices of $ G $ is in general position if no …
connecting $ x $ to $ y $. A subset $ S $ of the vertices of $ G $ is in general position if no …
The minimum number of disjoint pairs in set systems and related problems
Let F be a set system on n with all sets having k elements and every pair of sets intersecting.
The celebrated theorem of Erdős, Ko and Rado from 1961 says that, provided n≥ 2 k, any …
The celebrated theorem of Erdős, Ko and Rado from 1961 says that, provided n≥ 2 k, any …
On the maximum degree of induced subgraphs of the Kneser graph
For integers $ n\geq k\geq 1$, the {\em Kneser graph} $ K (n, k) $ is the graph with vertex-set
consisting of all the $ k $-element subsets of $\{1, 2,\ldots, n\} $, where two $ k $-element …
consisting of all the $ k $-element subsets of $\{1, 2,\ldots, n\} $, where two $ k $-element …
Almost intersecting families for vector spaces
Y Shan, J Zhou - Graphs and Combinatorics, 2024 - Springer
Let V be an n-dimensional vector space over the finite field F q and let V kq denote the family
of all k-dimensional subspaces of V. A family F⊆ V kq is called intersecting if for all F, F′∈ …
of all k-dimensional subspaces of V. A family F⊆ V kq is called intersecting if for all F, F′∈ …
Almost -intersecting families for vector spaces
D Liu, K Wang, T Yao - arxiv preprint arxiv:2406.05840, 2024 - arxiv.org
Let $ V $ be a finite dimensional vector space over a finite field, and $\mathcal {F} $ a family
consisting of $ k $-subspaces of $ V $. The family $\mathcal {F} $ is called $ t $-intersecting if …
consisting of $ k $-subspaces of $ V $. The family $\mathcal {F} $ is called $ t $-intersecting if …
Treewidth of the Kneser Graph and the Erd\H {o} s-Ko-Rado Theorem
DJ Harvey, DR Wood - arxiv preprint arxiv:1310.5400, 2013 - arxiv.org
Treewidth is an important and well-known graph parameter that measures the complexity of
a graph. The Kneser graph Kneser (n, k) is the graph with vertex set $\binom {[n]}{k} $, such …
a graph. The Kneser graph Kneser (n, k) is the graph with vertex set $\binom {[n]}{k} $, such …
A note on vertex Tur\'an problems in the Kneser cube
The Kneser cube $ Kn_n $ has vertex set $2^{[n]} $ and two vertices $ F, F'$ are joined by
an edge if and only if $ F\cap F'=\emptyset $. For a fixed graph $ G $, we are interested in the …
an edge if and only if $ F\cap F'=\emptyset $. For a fixed graph $ G $, we are interested in the …
[PDF][PDF] On treewidth and graph minors
DJ Harvey - 2014 - minerva-access.unimelb.edu.au
Both treewidth and the Hadwiger number are key graph parameters in structural and
algorithmic graph theory, especially in the theory of graph minors. For example, treewidth …
algorithmic graph theory, especially in the theory of graph minors. For example, treewidth …
[HTML][HTML] Extremal G-free induced subgraphs of Kneser graphs
The Kneser graph KG n, k is a graph whose vertex set is the family of all k-subsets of [n] and
two vertices are adjacent if their corresponding subsets are disjoint. The classical Erdős–Ko …
two vertices are adjacent if their corresponding subsets are disjoint. The classical Erdős–Ko …