Triassic southeastward subduction of North China Block to South China Block: Insights from new geological, geophysical and geochemical data

S Li, B Jahn, S Zhao, L Dai, X Li, Y Suo, L Guo… - Earth-Science …, 2017 - Elsevier
Lithospheric subduction prior to the assembly of the South China and North China blocks is
traditionally considered to be directed northward. However, some critical geological and …

Aegean tectonics: Strain localisation, slab tearing and trench retreat

L Jolivet, C Faccenna, B Huet, L Labrousse… - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
We review the geodynamic evolution of the Aegean–Anatolia region and discuss strain
localisation there over geological times. From Late Eocene to Present, crustal deformation in …

Cenozoic geodynamic evolution of the Aegean

L Jolivet, JP Brun - International Journal of Earth Sciences, 2010 - Springer
The Aegean region is a concentrate of the main geodynamic processes that shaped the
Mediterranean region: oceanic and continental subduction, mountain building, high …

Exhumation processes

U Ring, MT Brandon, SD Willett… - … Society, London, Special …, 1999 -
Deep-seated metamorphic rocks are commonly found in the interior of many divergent and
convergent orogens. Plate tectonics can account for high-pressure metamorphism by …

Nappe stacking resulting from subduction of oceanic and continental lithosphere below Greece

DJJ van Hinsbergen, E Hafkenscheid… - …, 2005 -
We quantitatively investigate the relation between nappe stacking and subduction in the
Aegean region. If nappe stacking is the result of the decoupling of upper-crustal parts (5–10 …

The geological signature of a slab tear below the Aegean

L Jolivet, A Menant, P Sternai, A Rabillard, L Arbaret… - Tectonophysics, 2015 - Elsevier
In this paper we explore the geology of the Aegean region in the Miocene to identify the
geological signature of a first-order slab tear observed in all tomographic models. From 15 to …

Critical tests of vertical vs. horizontal tectonic models for the Archaean East Pilbara granite–greenstone terrane, Pilbara craton, western Australia

MJ Van Kranendonk, WJ Collins, A Hickman… - Precambrian …, 2004 - Elsevier
Models for the formation of the high-amplitude (minimum 15km), long wavelength (120km)
granitoid dome-and-greenstone syncline geometry of the Archaean East Pilbara Granite …

Lithospheric-scale geodynamic context of the Messinian salinity crisis

L Jolivet, R Augier, C Robin, JP Suc, JM Rouchy - Sedimentary geology, 2006 - Elsevier
Comparison between the tectonic and palaeogeographic evolution of the Mediterranean
region from the Oligocene to the Present shows that the isolation of the Mediterranean …

Kinematic reconstructions and magmatic evolution illuminating crustal and mantle dynamics of the eastern Mediterranean region since the late Cretaceous

A Menant, L Jolivet, B Vrielynck - Tectonophysics, 2016 - Elsevier
The relationship between subduction dynamics and crustal deformation in the
Mediterranean region has been recently studied using three-dimensional (3D) models. Such …