[HTML][HTML] Assessing quality and safety of food and beverage products in Albanian processing enterprises

I Kapaj - 2012 - opus.uni-hohenheim.de
It is apparent that the consumers, for many reasons, do not have the ability to control directly
the product they are purchasing. It is the FBE who have the ability to control and manage the …

[PDF][PDF] Quantifying factors that influence the implementation of quality management systems in meat processing industry: case of Albania

I Kapaj, AM Kapaj - … Journal of Research and Reflection in …, 2021 - idpublications.org
The attention in this study is focused on the management and particularly on products
quality and safety issues in the level of businesses. More specifically, this research …

[PDF][PDF] Factors influencing implementation of Quality Management Systems in meat processing industry in Albania using Ordinal Logistic Regression

O TOTOJANI - academia.edu
Objective of this research is to investigate how two attitudes of meat processing enterprises
in Albania;'Willingness to invest on ISO'and 'Perception about competition level'are affected …

[PDF][PDF] Quality management systems in meat processing industry in Albania-Quantifying factors that influence its implementation

I Kapaj, AM Kapaj, ED Muca - … Journal of Social …, 2013 - pdfs.semanticscholar.org
The attention in this study is focused on the management and particularly on products
quality and safety issues in the level of businesses. More specifically, this research …

[DOC][DOC] Quantifying factors that influence implementation of QMS (Quality Management Systems) in meat processing industry in Albania using Ordinal Logistic …

I Kapaj, R Doluschitz, R Keco - IFAMA Conference, 2011 - manoa.hawaii.edu
In the last decade quality has became of outmost importance to society. Consumers have
become more conscious of quality, and organizations are now judged more on their overall …

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Identifying some key indicators benchmarks (competitive benchmark [s]) hel** meat processors in Albania improving their management decisions

A Kapaj, I Kapaj, E Deci, A Jaupi, I Pagria - Valahian Journal of Economic Studies, 2011

[ОПИСАНИЕ][C] Factors influencing implementation of Quality Management Systems in meat processing industry in Albania using Ordinal Logistic Regression