Rheology of the plate interface—Dissolution precipitation creep in high pressure metamorphic rocks

S Wassmann, B Stöckhert - Tectonophysics, 2013 - Elsevier
Subduction zone models invoke deformation to be concentrated along the plate interface, in
a region of particularly low temperature. Geophysical observations do not provide …

[CARTE][B] Microtectonics

CW Passchier, RAJ Trouw - 2005 - books.google.com
Microtectonics deals with the interpretation of microstructures, small-scale deformation
structures in rocks that yield abundant information on the history and type of deformation and …

Descriptive tools for the analysis of texture projects with large datasets using MTEX: strength, symmetry and components

D Mainprice, F Bachmann, R Hielscher… - Geological Society …, 2015 - lyellcollection.org
This paper presents the background for the calculation of various numbers that can be used
to characterize crystal-preferred orientation (CPO), also known as texture in materials …

Stratigraphic placement and age of modern humans from Kibish, Ethiopia

I McDougall, FH Brown, JG Fleagle - nature, 2005 - nature.com
Abstract In 1967 the Kibish Formation in southern Ethiopia yielded hominid cranial remains
identified as early anatomically modern humans, assigned to Homo sapiens,,,. However, the …

Rheology of continental lithosphere and seismic anisotropy

S Sun, Y Dong, Y Li, Y Yang, C Cheng, B Hui… - Science China Earth …, 2024 - Springer
Rheology of rocks controls the deformation of the Earth at various space-time scales, which
is crucial to understand the tectonic evolution of continental lithosphere. Researches of rock …

Pressure sensitivity of olivine slip systems and seismic anisotropy of Earth's upper mantle

D Mainprice, A Tommasi, H Couvy, P Cordier, DJ Frost - Nature, 2005 - nature.com
The mineral olivine dominates the composition of the Earth's upper mantle and hence
controls its mechanical behaviour and seismic anisotropy. Experiments at high temperature …

EBSD-measured lattice-preferred orientations and seismic properties of eclogites

J Bascou, G Barruol, A Vauchez, D Mainprice… - Tectonophysics, 2001 - Elsevier
We investigated the deformation mechanisms and the seismic properties of 10 eclogite
samples from different localities (Alps, Norway, Mali and eastern China) through the analysis …

Deformation and hydration of the lithospheric mantle beneath the Kaapvaal craton, South Africa

V Baptiste, A Tommasi, S Demouchy - Lithos, 2012 - Elsevier
To constrain the relations between deformation and metasomatism in the subcratonic
lithospheric mantle, we have analyzed the microstructures and crystal preferred orientations …

Rheology of omphacite at high temperature and pressure and significance of its lattice preferred orientations

J Zhang, HW Green II, KN Bozhilov - Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 2006 - Elsevier
We have investigated the rheology of hot-pressed polycrystalline omphacite (Di58Jd42,
space group C2/c) at strain rates of 10− 4–10− 5/s, temperatures of 1300–1500K and a …

Experimental investigation of eclogite rheology and its fabrics at high temperature and pressure

J Zhang, HW Green - Journal of metamorphic Geology, 2007 - Wiley Online Library
Eclogite plays an important role in mantle convection and geodynamics in subduction
zones. An improved understanding of processes in the deeper levels of subduction zones …