Optical coherence tomography for dynamic investigation of mammalian reproductive processes

K Umezu, IV Larina - Molecular reproduction and development, 2023 - Wiley Online Library
The biological events associated with mammalian reproductive processes are highly
dynamic and tightly regulated by molecular, genetic, and biomechanical factors …

Recent advancements to increase success in assisted reproductive technologies in cattle

M Mikkola, KLJ Desmet, E Kommisrud… - Animal …, 2024 - SciELO Brasil
Assisted reproductive technologies (ART) are fundamental for cattle breeding and
sustainable food production. Together with genomic selection, these technologies contribute …

Full-field optical coherence microscopy enables high-resolution label-free imaging of the dynamics of live mouse oocytes and early embryos

S Morawiec, A Ajduk, P Stremplewski… - Communications …, 2024 - nature.com
High quality label-free imaging of oocytes and early embryos is essential for accurate
assessment of their developmental potential, a key element of assisted reproduction …

Reliability of retinal layer annotation with a novel, high-resolution optical coherence tomography device: a comparative study

L von der Emde, M Saßmannshausen, O Morelle… - Bioengineering, 2023 - mdpi.com
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) enables in vivo diagnostics of individual retinal layers
in the living human eye. However, improved imaging resolution could aid diagnosis and …

Optical coherence microscopy allows for quality assessment of immature mouse oocytes

M Fluks, S Tamborski, M Szkulmowski… - Reproduction, 2022 - rep.bioscientifica.com
In brief Optical coherence microscopy is a label-free and non-invasive imaging technique
capable of 3D subcellular structure visualization. Here we show that this method allows for …

Parameters to identify good quality oocytes and embryos in cattle

C Wrenzycki - Reproduction, Fertility and Development, 2021 - CSIRO Publishing
Oocyte/embryo selection methodologies are either invasive or noninvasive and can be
applied at various stages of development from the oocyte to cleaved embryos and up to the …

Three-dimensional live imaging of bovine preimplantation embryos: a new method for IVF embryo evaluation

Y Masuda, R Hasebe, Y Kuromi… - Frontiers in Veterinary …, 2021 - frontiersin.org
Conception rates for transferred bovine embryos are lower than those for artificial
insemination. Embryo transfer (ET) is widely used in cattle but many of the transferred …

Hatchability evaluation of bovine ivf embryos using oct-based 3d image analysis

Y Masuda, R Hasebe, Y Kuromi… - … of Reproduction and …, 2023 - jstage.jst.go.jp
Although embryo transfer is widely applied in cattle, many of the transferred embryos do not
result in pregnancy. To determine a new parameter for bovine embryo evaluation, we …

Monitor biological activities in seed germination by biospeckle optical coherence tomography

Y Lim, K Funada, H Kadono - Dynamics and fluctuations in …, 2019 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Crop yields are frequently affected by the vigor of seeds. Although germination tests and
vigor tests are performed on sampled seeds to ensure the quality of seeds, selection of …

Downconversion Master Slave OCT With a Bidirectional Swee** Laser

A Martínez Jiménez, R Cernat, A Bradu… - Journal of …, 2024 - Wiley Online Library
This paper explores the challenges of signal processing when using optical coherence
tomography (OCT) imaging instruments driven by asymmetric MHz bidirectional swee** …