Decision-making techniques for software architecture design: A comparative survey
The architecture of a software-intensive system can be defined as the set of relevant design
decisions that affect the qualities of the overall system functionality; therefore, architectural …
decisions that affect the qualities of the overall system functionality; therefore, architectural …
Value-based software engineering: Overview and agenda
BW Boehm - Value-based software engineering, 2006 - Springer
Much of current software engineering practice and research is done in a value-neutral
setting, in which every requirement, use case, object, test case, and defect is equally …
setting, in which every requirement, use case, object, test case, and defect is equally …
[PDF][PDF] Методы верификации программного обеспечения
ВВ Кулямин - М.: ИСП РАН, 2008 - bsivko.pbworks.com
В данной работе представлен обзор методов верификации программного обеспечения
(ПО). Верификацией называется проверка соответствия результатов отдельных …
(ПО). Верификацией называется проверка соответствия результатов отдельных …
Attention guiding techniques using peripheral vision and eye tracking for feedback in augmented-reality-based assistance systems
A limiting factor of current smart glasses-based augmented reality (AR) systems is their small
field of view. AR assistance systems designed for tasks such as order picking or manual …
field of view. AR assistance systems designed for tasks such as order picking or manual …
A case study in locating the architectural roots of technical debt
Our recent research has shown that, in large-scale software systems, defective files seldom
exist alone. They are usually architecturally connected, and their architectural structures …
exist alone. They are usually architecturally connected, and their architectural structures …
Usage control architecture options for data sovereignty in business ecosystems
Purpose Current business challenges force companies to exchange critical and sensitive
data. The data provider pays great attention to the usage of their data and wants to control it …
data. The data provider pays great attention to the usage of their data and wants to control it …
Uncertainty, risk, and information value in software requirements and architecture
Uncertainty complicates early requirements and architecture decisions and may expose a
software project to significant risk. Yet software architects lack support for evaluating …
software project to significant risk. Yet software architects lack support for evaluating …
Evaluation of software architectures under uncertainty: A systematic literature review
Context: Evaluating software architectures in uncertain environments raises new challenges,
which require continuous approaches. We define continuous evaluation as multiple …
which require continuous approaches. We define continuous evaluation as multiple …
A quality-driven systematic approach for architecting distributed software applications
Architecting distributed software applications is a complex design activity. It involves making
decisions about a number of inter-dependent design choices that relate to a range of design …
decisions about a number of inter-dependent design choices that relate to a range of design …
Tradeoff and sensitivity analysis in software architecture evaluation using analytic hierarchy process
Software architecture evaluation involves evaluating different architecture design
alternatives against multiple quality-attributes. These attributes typically have intrinsic …
alternatives against multiple quality-attributes. These attributes typically have intrinsic …