[KNIHA][B] Politik på hemmaplan. Tiotusen fullmäktigeledamöter tycker om politik och demokrati

M Gilljam, D Karlsson, A Sundell - 2010 - gupea.ub.gu.se
Det här är en bok om Sveriges samtliga kommun-och landstingspolitiker och vad de tycker
och tänker om politik och demokrati. Boken bygger på en unik web-och postenkät som …

Party-constrained policy responsiveness: A survey experiment on politicians' response to citizen-initiated contacts

P Öhberg, E Naurin - British Journal of Political Science, 2016 - cambridge.org
How do individual party representatives respond to direct policy requests from citizens when
the requests go against the party's position? In a survey experiment, 2,547 Swedish …

Who wins preference votes? An analysis of party loyalty, ideology, and accountability to voters

O Folke, J Rickne - Journal of Theoretical Politics, 2020 - journals.sagepub.com
We study the distribution of preference votes across politicians with different behaviors and
attitudes. There are two main findings. First, preference votes are concentrated to politicians …

The hidden constitutions: How informal political institutions affect the representation style of local councils

D Karlsson - The Changing Context of Local Democracy, 2016 - taylorfrancis.com
The constitutional setting of a political system determines the division of power between
institutions and positions, and regulates the interaction of political actors. Politicians form …

Social media and political communication: Innovation and normalisation in parallel

M Karlsson, J Åström - Journal of Language and Politics, 2018 - jbe-platform.com
As the Internet has come to play a greater role in politics, there has been a growing scholarly
interest in how digital and social media are changing politics. The competition between the …

Ruling majority and opposition: How parliamentary position affects the attitudes of political representatives

M Gilljam, D Karlsson - Parliamentary Affairs, 2015 - academic.oup.com
The question posed in this article is how parliamentary position affects the attitudes of
political representatives: Do attitudes towards democratic game rules and policy content …

The feminine style, the male influence, and the paradox of gendered political blogspace

J Åström, M Karlsson - Information, Communication & Society, 2016 - Taylor & Francis
This article explores gender differences in political communication among blogging
politicians. The article sets out to explore two baseline questions:(1) Are distinct gendered …

Political conflicts-Dissent and antagonism among political parties in local government

L Skoog - 2019 - gupea.ub.gu.se
Political conflicts arise out of, or are at least nourished by, divisions and tensions in society
over how resources are distributed between citizens and social groups. In the parliamentary …

The political blog space: A new arena for political representation?

M Karlsson, J Åström - New Media & Society, 2016 - journals.sagepub.com
While the academic interest in the political blogosphere has grown exponentially in recent
years, existing research is predominantly dedicated to political campaigning. In view of the …

Blogging in the shadow of parties: Exploring ideological differences in online campaigning

J Åström, M Karlsson - Political communication, 2013 - Taylor & Francis
Blogging is an increasingly important practice in election campaigns, showing interesting
variations across contexts. Recent research has shown that the adoption and use of blogs is …