A machine learning based signal demodulator in NOMA-VLC
Non-orthogonal multiple access (NOMA) is a promising scheme to improve the spectral
efficiency, user fairness, and overall throughput in visible light communication (VLC) …
efficiency, user fairness, and overall throughput in visible light communication (VLC) …
On the effect of multipath reflections in indoor visible light communication links: Channel characterization and BER analysis
Owing to its several advantages over other wireless schemes, visible light communication
(VLC) shall be at the forefront of optical wireless communication technology. However, due …
(VLC) shall be at the forefront of optical wireless communication technology. However, due …
[HTML][HTML] Bit error probability of VLC systems in underground mining channels with imperfect CSI
Analytical expressions of the statistical distribution of the underground mining visible light
communication (UM-VLC) square-channel gain are derived considering scattering …
communication (UM-VLC) square-channel gain are derived considering scattering …
Kernel recursive maximum Versoria criterion based post-distorter for VLC using kernel-width sampling
Visible light communication (VLC) has emerged as a potential candidate for next generation
wireless communication systems. However, nonlinear characteristics of light emitting diode …
wireless communication systems. However, nonlinear characteristics of light emitting diode …
Kernel MSER-DFE based post-distorter for VLC using random Fourier features
Visible light communication (VLC) has emerged as a promising technology that facilitates
high speed green communication for the next generation communication systems. However …
high speed green communication for the next generation communication systems. However …
Energy-Efficient Optical-Aided VLC-MIMO System with Centralised Optimal PI Strategy
As a pivotal technology for 6G and beyond, visible light communication (VLC) is capable of
supporting high-speed indoor access networks, particularly when combined with spatial …
supporting high-speed indoor access networks, particularly when combined with spatial …
Performance analysis for visible light communications with Gaussian-plus-Laplacian additive noise
In this paper, the performance of an indoor visible light communication (VLC) system in the
presence of Gaussian-plus-Laplacian additive noise is investigated. Initially, a realistic VLC …
presence of Gaussian-plus-Laplacian additive noise is investigated. Initially, a realistic VLC …
Kernel recursive maximum versoria criterion algorithm using random Fourier features
Reproducing Hilbert space (RKHS)-based adaptive algorithms have attracted increased
attention in machine learning and nonlinear signal processing with applications in visible …
attention in machine learning and nonlinear signal processing with applications in visible …
Generic BER analysis of VLC channels impaired by 3D user-mobility and imperfect CSI
Visible light communications (VLC) has emerged as a high-speed, low-cost, and green
supplement for the existing radio frequency (RF) based infrastructures. However, the …
supplement for the existing radio frequency (RF) based infrastructures. However, the …
Performance analysis of downlink multipath multi-user NOMA-VLC system
In the present paper, we have investigated performance of Non-Orthogonal Multiple Access
based downlink multipath multi-user Visible Light Communication System. The Bit Error …
based downlink multipath multi-user Visible Light Communication System. The Bit Error …