PLIC-Net: A machine learning approach for 3D interface reconstruction in volume of fluid methods
The accurate reconstruction of immiscible fluid–fluid interfaces from the volume fraction field
is a critical component of geometric Volume of Fluid methods. A common strategy is the …
is a critical component of geometric Volume of Fluid methods. A common strategy is the …
Moments-based interface reconstruction, remap and advection
We present a new moment-of-fluid (MOF 2) interface reconstruction method. It uses the
zeroth, first, and second moments of the fragment of material inside a cell of the mesh to …
zeroth, first, and second moments of the fragment of material inside a cell of the mesh to …
Capturing thin structures in VOF simulations with two-plane reconstruction
A novel interface reconstruction strategy for volume of fluid (VOF) methods is introduced that
represents the liquid-gas interface as two planes that co-exist within a single computational …
represents the liquid-gas interface as two planes that co-exist within a single computational …
Subgrid scale modeling of droplet bag breakup in VOF simulations
The mesh-dependency of the breakup of liquid films, including their breakup length scales
and resulting drop size distributions, has long been an obstacle inhibiting the computational …
and resulting drop size distributions, has long been an obstacle inhibiting the computational …
Comparison of methods for curvature estimation from volume fractions
This paper evaluates and compares the accuracy and robustness of curvature estimation
methods for three-dimensional interfaces represented implicitly by discrete volume fractions …
methods for three-dimensional interfaces represented implicitly by discrete volume fractions …
[CARTE][B] Advancement of numerical methods for simulating primary atomization
RM Chiodi - 2020 -
Multiphase flows are ubiquitous in natural and engineered systems and occur over scales
ranging many orders of magnitude, from the movement of the ocean to the flow of blood …
ranging many orders of magnitude, from the movement of the ocean to the flow of blood …
[HTML][HTML] gVOF: An open-source package for unsplit geometric volume of fluid methods on arbitrary grids
The gVOF package implements several accurate and efficient geometric volume of fluid
(VOF) methods on arbitrary grids, either structured or unstructured with convex or non …
(VOF) methods on arbitrary grids, either structured or unstructured with convex or non …
Modelling and simulation of surface-tension-dominant two-phase flows with an improved geometric volume of fluid framework
H **a, W Ge - Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and …, 2025 - Elsevier
Two-phase flows with surface tension are ubiquitous in engineering applications. A high-
fidelity numerical framework for capturing sharp interfaces and eliminating unphysical …
fidelity numerical framework for capturing sharp interfaces and eliminating unphysical …
Numerical simulation of interfacial resonant Faraday waves between two immiscible liquids
D Liu, X Jiang, P Lin - Physics of Fluids, 2024 -
An in-house numerical model is extended to study the resonant Faraday waves at the
interface between two immiscible liquids with the consideration of surface tension. The …
interface between two immiscible liquids with the consideration of surface tension. The …
[HTML][HTML] A momentum balance correction to the non-conservative one-fluid formulation in boiling flows using volume-of-fluid
A proven methodology to solve multiphase flows is based on the one-fluid formulation of the
governing equations, which treats the phase transition across the interface as a single fluid …
governing equations, which treats the phase transition across the interface as a single fluid …