Evaporation of macroscopic sessile droplets
AM Cazabat, G Guena - Soft Matter, 2010 - pubs.rsc.org
Evaporation of macroscopic sessile droplets - Soft Matter (RSC Publishing) DOI:10.1039/B924477H
Royal Society of Chemistry View PDF VersionPrevious ArticleNext Article DOI: 10.1039/B924477H …
Royal Society of Chemistry View PDF VersionPrevious ArticleNext Article DOI: 10.1039/B924477H …
Microscale evaporative cooling technologies for high heat flux microelectronics devices: Background and recent advances
Evaporation of liquid is important in a diverse range of engineering applications, such as ink-
jet printing, pesticide spraying, micro-and nanofabrication, thin-film coatings, biochemical …
jet printing, pesticide spraying, micro-and nanofabrication, thin-film coatings, biochemical …
[Књига][B] Interfacial convection in multilayer systems
A Nepomnyashchy, JC Legros, I Simanovskii - 2006 - Springer
The interfacial convection in multilayer systems is a widespread phenomenon that is of great
importance in numerous branches of technology, including chemical engineering, space …
importance in numerous branches of technology, including chemical engineering, space …
On evaporation of sessile drops with moving contact lines
N Murisic, L Kondic - Journal of fluid mechanics, 2011 - cambridge.org
We consider theoretically, computationally and experimentally spontaneous evaporation of
water and isopropanol drops on smooth silicon wafers. In contrast to a number of previous …
water and isopropanol drops on smooth silicon wafers. In contrast to a number of previous …
Evaporative convection in a horizontal liquid layer under shear–stress gas flow
Y Lyulin, O Kabov - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2014 - Elsevier
Experimental investigation of convective processes within horizontal evaporating liquid layer
under shear–stress of inert gas flow is presented. Average evaporation flow rate of HFE …
under shear–stress of inert gas flow is presented. Average evaporation flow rate of HFE …
Heat transfer—A review of 2004 literature
RJ Goldstein, WE Ibele, SV Patankar, TW Simon… - International Journal of …, 2010 - Elsevier
The present review covers the heat transfer literature published in 2004 in English
language, including some translations of foreign language papers. Though extensive, some …
language, including some translations of foreign language papers. Though extensive, some …
Problems of evaporative convection
The theoretical foundations for mathematical modeling of the convective flows with
evaporation are presented, and the topical research areas are given. The special attention is …
evaporation are presented, and the topical research areas are given. The special attention is …
Shear-driven flows of locally heated liquid films
EY Gatapova, OA Kabov - International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 2008 - Elsevier
This paper considers the flow of a liquid film sheared by gas flow in a channel with a heater
placed at the bottom wall. A one-sided 2D model is considered for weakly heated films. The …
placed at the bottom wall. A one-sided 2D model is considered for weakly heated films. The …
[Књига][B] Interfacial fluid mechanics
VS Ajaev - 2012 - Springer
This book is based on advanced fluid mechanics course taught by the author at Southern
Methodist University, primarily for graduate students in applied mathematics and mechanical …
Methodist University, primarily for graduate students in applied mathematics and mechanical …
A comprehensive analysis of the evaporation of a liquid spherical drop
In this paper, a new comprehensive analysis of a suspended drop of a pure liquid
evaporating into air is presented. Based on mass and energy conservation equations, a …
evaporating into air is presented. Based on mass and energy conservation equations, a …