The synchronized dynamics of time-varying networks
Over the past two decades, complex network theory provided the ideal framework for
investigating the intimate relationships between the topological properties characterizing the …
investigating the intimate relationships between the topological properties characterizing the …
Self-propelled rods: Insights and perspectives for active matter
A wide range of experimental systems including gliding, swarming and swimming bacteria,
in vitro motility assays, and shaken granular media are commonly described as self …
in vitro motility assays, and shaken granular media are commonly described as self …
Collective motion of active Brownian particles with polar alignment
We present a comprehensive computational study of the collective behavior emerging from
the competition between self-propulsion, excluded volume interactions and velocity …
the competition between self-propulsion, excluded volume interactions and velocity …
Activity induced synchronization: Mutual flocking and chiral self-sorting
Synchronization, the temporal coordination of coupled oscillators, allows fireflies to flash in
unison, neurons to fire collectively, and human crowds to fall in step on the London …
unison, neurons to fire collectively, and human crowds to fall in step on the London …
Flocking of two unfriendly species: The two-species Vicsek model
We consider the two-species Vicsek model (TSVM) consisting of two kinds of self-propelled
particles, A and B, that tend to align with particles from the same species and to antialign …
particles, A and B, that tend to align with particles from the same species and to antialign …
Derivation of a hydrodynamic theory for mesoscale dynamics in microswimmer suspensions
In this paper, we systematically derive a fourth-order continuum theory capable of
reproducing mesoscale turbulence in a three-dimensional suspension of microswimmers …
reproducing mesoscale turbulence in a three-dimensional suspension of microswimmers …
Emergence of synchronization in multiplex networks of mobile Rössler oscillators
Different aspects of synchronization emerging in networks of coupled oscillators have been
examined prominently in the last decades. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid on the …
examined prominently in the last decades. Nevertheless, little attention has been paid on the …
Pattern formation in chemically interacting active rotors with self-propulsion
We demonstrate that active rotations in chemically signalling particles, such as
autochemotactic E. coli close to walls, create a route for pattern formation based on a …
autochemotactic E. coli close to walls, create a route for pattern formation based on a …
Mesoscale pattern formation of self-propelled rods with velocity reversal
We study self-propelled particles with velocity reversal interacting by uniaxial (nematic)
alignment within a coarse-grained hydrodynamic theory. Combining analytical and …
alignment within a coarse-grained hydrodynamic theory. Combining analytical and …
Topological flocking models in spatially heterogeneous environments
Flocking models with metric and topological interactions are supposed to exhibit distinct
features, as for instance the presence and absence of moving polar bands. On the other …
features, as for instance the presence and absence of moving polar bands. On the other …