The Late and Final Middle Palaeolithic of central Europe and its contributions to the formation of the regional Upper Palaeolithic: a review and a synthesis
For decades, the relationship of pre-modern hominins to anatomically modern humans
(AMH) and the transition from mode 3 to mode 4 industries remain topics of ongoing …
(AMH) and the transition from mode 3 to mode 4 industries remain topics of ongoing …
[KNIHA][B] Updating Neanderthals: understanding behavioural complexity in the Late Middle Palaeolithic
Updating Neanderthals: Understanding Behavioral Complexity in the Late Middle Paleolithic
provides comprehensive knowledge on Neanderthals who lived throughout the European …
provides comprehensive knowledge on Neanderthals who lived throughout the European …
On making of Micoquian bifacial backed tools at Pietraszyn 49a, SW Poland
This paper attempts to show that manufacture of Micoquian bifacial backed tools was
structured. Data for this study were collected using a comprehensive analysis of artefacts …
structured. Data for this study were collected using a comprehensive analysis of artefacts …
Taphonomic and paleoecological aspects of large mammals from Sudety Mts (Silesia, SW Poland), with particular interest to the carnivores
The rediscovery of old collections and revision of the fossil material from more than 30
Sudeten caves and rock shelters allow reconstructing the faunal changes during the Late …
Sudeten caves and rock shelters allow reconstructing the faunal changes during the Late …
Late Middle Paleolithic of southern Poland: radiocarbon dates from Ciemna and Obłazowa caves
New radiocarbon dates are reported for Late Middle Paleolithic (MP) layers of Ciemna and
Obłazowa Caves in Southern Poland. The sites present methodological challenges for …
Obłazowa Caves in Southern Poland. The sites present methodological challenges for …
Chronostratigraphy of Jerzmanowician. New data from Koziarnia Cave, Poland
Abstract Lincombian-Ranisian-Jerzmanowician (LRJ) industries are extremely scarce in
Central Europe. Therefore, each LRJ site is of great importance. One of them is Koziarnia …
Central Europe. Therefore, each LRJ site is of great importance. One of them is Koziarnia …
Technology of Moravian Early Szeletian leaf point sha**: A case study of refittings from Moravský Krumlov IV open-air site (Czech Republic)
Z Nerudová, P Neruda - Quaternary International, 2017 - Elsevier
The excavations of multilayer open-air Palaeolithic site of Moravský Krumlov IV (Czech
Republic) conducted in 2000–2004 unearthed the places of manufacture of bifacial leaf …
Republic) conducted in 2000–2004 unearthed the places of manufacture of bifacial leaf …
The beginning of the early Upper Paleolithic in Poland
Research on the timing of Homo sapiens dispersals in Central Europe is pivotal for
understanding the behavioral trajectories of human adaptation to low biomass environments …
understanding the behavioral trajectories of human adaptation to low biomass environments …
Hominid visitation of the Moravian karst during the middle-upper Paleolithic transition: New results from pod Hradem cave (Czech Republic)
Abstract In 1956–1958, excavations of Pod Hradem Cave in Moravia (eastern Czech
Republic) revealed evidence for human activity during the Middle-Upper Paleolithic …
Republic) revealed evidence for human activity during the Middle-Upper Paleolithic …
Late Middle Palaeolithic and Early Upper Palaeolithic in Poland in the light of new numerical dating
Although the first numerical dating of Middle and Upper Palaeolithic sites in Poland was
applied at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, it has only been in the last …
applied at the beginning of the second half of the 20th century, it has only been in the last …