Dynamics of Anderson localization in open 3D media
We develop a self-consistent theoretical approach to the dynamics of Anderson localization
in open three-dimensional (3D) disordered media. The approach allows us to study time …
in open three-dimensional (3D) disordered media. The approach allows us to study time …
Population of collective modes in light scattering by many atoms
W Guerin, R Kaiser - Physical Review A, 2017 - APS
The interaction of light with an atomic sample containing a large number of particles gives
rise to many collective (or cooperative) effects, such as multiple scattering, superradiance …
rise to many collective (or cooperative) effects, such as multiple scattering, superradiance …
Finite-size scaling analysis of localization transition for scalar waves in a three-dimensional ensemble of resonant point scatterers
SE Skipetrov - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
We use the random Green's matrix model to study the scaling properties of the localization
transition for scalar waves in a three-dimensional (3D) ensemble of resonant point …
transition for scalar waves in a three-dimensional (3D) ensemble of resonant point …
Interplay of different environments in open quantum systems: Breakdown of the additive approximation
We analyze an open quantum system under the influence of more than one environment: a
dephasing bath and a probability-absorbing bath that represents a decay channel, as …
dephasing bath and a probability-absorbing bath that represents a decay channel, as …
Non-Hermitian Hamiltonian approach to quantum transport in disordered networks with sinks: Validity and effectiveness
We investigate the validity of the non-Hermitian Hamiltonian approach in describing
quantum transport in disordered tight-binding networks connected to external environments …
quantum transport in disordered tight-binding networks connected to external environments …
[HTML][HTML] Cavity-enhanced light–matter interaction in Vogel-spiral devices as a platform for quantum photonics
Enhancing light–matter interactions on a chip is of paramount importance for classical and
quantum photonics, sensing, and energy harvesting applications. Several photonic …
quantum photonics, sensing, and energy harvesting applications. Several photonic …
Subradiant hybrid states in the open 3D Anderson-Dicke model
Anderson localization is a paradigmatic coherence effect in disordered systems, often
analyzed in the absence of dissipation. Here we consider the case of coherent dissipation …
analyzed in the absence of dissipation. Here we consider the case of coherent dissipation …
Random matrix theory of resonances: An overview
YV Fyodorov - 2016 URSI International Symposium on …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Scattering of electromagnetic waves in billiard-like systems has become a standard
experimental tool of studying properties associated with Quantum Chaos. Random Matrix …
experimental tool of studying properties associated with Quantum Chaos. Random Matrix …
Transverse confinement of waves in three-dimensional random media
We study the transmission of a tightly focused beam through a thick slab of three-
dimensional disordered medium in the Anderson localized regime. We show that the …
dimensional disordered medium in the Anderson localized regime. We show that the …
Statistics of quality factors in three-dimensional disordered magneto-optical systems and its applications to random lasers
FA Pinheiro - Physical Review A—Atomic, Molecular, and Optical …, 2008 - APS
We have investigated the distribution of quality factors P (Q) of three-dimensional disordered
systems composed of pointlike magneto-optical scatterers under the influence of an external …
systems composed of pointlike magneto-optical scatterers under the influence of an external …