Cross-chain-based trustworthy node identity governance in internet of things
As a flourishing technical adoption boosted by 5G technology in recent years, Internet of
Things (IoT) has become a common implementation in contemporary network-based …
Things (IoT) has become a common implementation in contemporary network-based …
Multi-stage complex task assignment in spatial crowdsourcing
With the widespread application of smart devices, spatial crowdsourcing (SC) has been
extensively integrated into daily life. Task assignment is a crucial issue in SC and has …
extensively integrated into daily life. Task assignment is a crucial issue in SC and has …
Task allocation with geographic partition in spatial crowdsourcing
Recent years have witnessed a revolution in Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC), in which people
with mobile connectivity can perform spatio-temporal tasks that involve travel to specified …
with mobile connectivity can perform spatio-temporal tasks that involve travel to specified …
Ropriv: Road network-aware privacy-preserving framework in spatial crowdsourcing
Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC) has been an indispensable Location-based Service where the
SC server assigns tasks to workers based on the locations of task requesters and workers …
SC server assigns tasks to workers based on the locations of task requesters and workers …
Gcrl: Efficient delivery area assignment for last-mile logistics with group-based cooperative reinforcement learning
Last-mile logistics is the final step of the delivery process from a transit station to customers.
In last-mile logistics systems, a city is divided into many delivery areas for couriers to finish …
In last-mile logistics systems, a city is divided into many delivery areas for couriers to finish …
Task assignment with worker churn prediction in spatial crowdsourcing
The pervasiveness of GPS-enabled devices and wireless communication technologies
flourish the market of Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC), which consists of location-based tasks …
flourish the market of Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC), which consists of location-based tasks …
Air-ground spatial crowdsourcing with UAV carriers by geometric graph convolutional multi-agent deep reinforcement learning
Spatial Crowdsourcing (SC) has been proved as an effective paradigm for data acquisition
in urban environments. Apart from using human participants, with the rapid development of …
in urban environments. Apart from using human participants, with the rapid development of …
Efficient adaptive matching for real-time city express delivery
City express delivery services (aka last-mile delivery) have become more prominent in
recent years. Many logistics giants, such as Amazon, JD, and Cainiao, have deployed …
recent years. Many logistics giants, such as Amazon, JD, and Cainiao, have deployed …
Energy-efficient 3D vehicular crowdsourcing for disaster response by distributed deep reinforcement learning
Fast and efficient access to environmental and life data is key to the successful disaster
response. Vehicular crowdsourcing (VC) by a group of unmanned vehicles (UVs) like …
response. Vehicular crowdsourcing (VC) by a group of unmanned vehicles (UVs) like …
An online fairness-aware task planning approach for spatial crowdsourcing
Spatial crowdsourcing, a human-centric paradigm for performing spatial tasks, has drawn
rising attention. Task assignment and worker scheduling are basic issues in spatial …
rising attention. Task assignment and worker scheduling are basic issues in spatial …