Synchroextracting three-parameter wavelet transform and its application in hydrocarbon detection of reservoir

D LIU, Y HU, H CHEN, J LI, YX FANG - Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2023 -
With the deepening of petroleum exploration in China, unconventional hydrocarbon
reservoirs have gradually become the focus of hydrocarbon exploration. Because tight …

Generalized S-transform based on sparse representation and its application on attenuation gradient estimation

J Liu, X Chen, C Qie, C Zhao… - IEEE Geoscience and …, 2024 -
Absorption attenuation caused by the fluid is an essential indicator for reservoir delineation.
The attenuation gradient estimation method related to time-frequency (TF) decomposition …

High-resolution time-frequency analysis based on l1-l2 norm and its application

WJ XING, SY CAO, SY CHEN, MY MA - Chinese Journal of Geophysics, 2022 -
In this paper, we proposed a sparse time-frequency analysis method based on the l 1-l 2
norm to improve the accuracy of the time-frequency analysis. To enhance the resolution of …

[PDF][PDF] 同步提取三参数小波变换及其在储层含气性检测中的应用

刘笛, 胡英, 陈辉, **军, 方玉霞 - 地球物理学报, 2023 -
摘要随着我国石油勘探程度的不断加深, 非常规油气藏逐步成为了油气勘探的重点.
由于致密砂岩具有低孔, 低渗, 非均质性**等特性, 因此迫切需要高精度时频分析后处理方法对该 …

Wet Gas Two-Phase Flow Measurement of Swirl Flowmeter Based on Synchrosqueezed Wavelet Transform

Y Xu, Y Zhang, C Yuan, C Wei… - IEEE Transactions on …, 2023 -
The swirl flowmeter is widely used in the wellhead measurement of low-permeability gas
fields. However, the liquid loading in the measured wet gas will influence the precessing …

[PDF][PDF] 基于犾 犾 2 范数的高分辨率时频分析方法及应用

邢文军, 曹思远, 陈思远, 马敏瑶 - 地球物理学报, 2022 -
摘要本研究提出一种基于犾1 犾2 范数的稀疏约束类时频分析方法, 以提高信号时频分析的
精度. 稀疏约束类时频分析方法通过窗口类时频分析的逆变换构造反演方程 …

2DPCA constrained wavelet transform method for thin layer identification

R NIE, HQ XU, YS ZHAO - Progress in Geophysics, 2024 -
Time-frequency analysis is one of the important methods to study thin layer. Time-frequency
analysis technology studies thin layer structure according to the time-frequency variation law …

Research on frequency attenuation gradient method based on LMSST time frequency analysis

Y JING, RF TIAN, SJ GUO - Progress in Geophysics, 2024 -
High-frequency energy suffers remarkable attenuation when seismic waves travel through
reservoirs. It is possible to reflect the distribution of subsurface reservoirs by computing the …

A Case Study of Synchrosqueezing Wavelet Transform to Conventional Logging

Z Huang, Y Zang, F Lai, G Jiang, Y Liu… - Journal of Physics …, 2023 -
In this paper, the synchronous squeezing wavelet transform (SSWT) is used to process the
conventional logging curve, and the spectral characteristics of logging signal are obtained …

[PDF][PDF] 基于同步挤压小波变换的毫米波雷达时频分析方法研究

**丛, 徐华, 戴聪聪, 冯阳, 邓权, 周志明 - 大气与环境光学学报, 2023 -
针对雷达回波信号能量弱, 信噪比低, 难以获取高质量中频信号的频域特征,
从而导致测量误差较大的问题, 提出了同步挤压小波变换(SST) 结合中值滤波的信号时频分析 …