Fungal symbionts alter plant responses to global change
While direct plant responses to global change have been well characterized, indirect plant
responses to global change, via altered species interactions, have received less attention …
responses to global change, via altered species interactions, have received less attention …
Plant salinity tolerance conferred by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and associated mechanisms: a meta-analysis
Soil salinity often hinders plant productivity in both natural and agricultural settings.
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) symbionts can mediate plant stress responses by …
Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungal (AMF) symbionts can mediate plant stress responses by …
Environmental stress destabilizes microbial networks
Environmental stress is increasing worldwide, yet we lack a clear picture of how stress
disrupts the stability of microbial communities and the ecosystem services they provide …
disrupts the stability of microbial communities and the ecosystem services they provide …
Land management shapes drought responses of dominant soil microbial taxa across grasslands
JM Lavallee, M Chomel, N Alvarez Segura… - Nature …, 2024 - nature.com
Soil microbial communities are dominated by a relatively small number of taxa that may play
outsized roles in ecosystem functioning, yet little is known about their capacities to resist and …
outsized roles in ecosystem functioning, yet little is known about their capacities to resist and …
Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi Alleviate Drought Stress in C3 (Leymus chinensis) and C4 (Hemarthria altissima) Grasses via Altering Antioxidant Enzyme Activities …
As one of the most important limiting factors of grassland productivity, drought is predicted to
increase in intensity and frequency. Greenhouse studies suggest that arbuscular …
increase in intensity and frequency. Greenhouse studies suggest that arbuscular …
Arbuscular mycorrhizal symbiosis alters stomatal conductance of host plants more under drought than under amply watered conditions: a meta-analysis
RM Augé, HD Toler, AM Saxton - Mycorrhiza, 2015 - Springer
Stomata regulate rates of carbon assimilation and water loss. Arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM)
symbioses often modify stomatal behavior and therefore play pivotal roles in plant …
symbioses often modify stomatal behavior and therefore play pivotal roles in plant …
Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizae on tomato yield, nutrient uptake, water relations, and soil carbon dynamics under deficit irrigation in field conditions
Plant strategies to cope with future droughts may be enhanced by associations between
roots and soil microorganisms, including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. But how AM …
roots and soil microorganisms, including arbuscular mycorrhizal (AM) fungi. But how AM …
Do endophytes promote growth of host plants under stress? A meta-analysis on plant stress mitigation by endophytes
Endophytes are microbial symbionts living inside plants and have been extensively
researched in recent decades for their functions associated with plant responses to …
researched in recent decades for their functions associated with plant responses to …
Drought‐induced changes in root biomass largely result from altered root morphological traits: Evidence from a synthesis of global field trials
Extreme drought is likely to become more frequent and intense as a result of global climate
change, which may significantly impact plant root traits and responses (ie, morphology …
change, which may significantly impact plant root traits and responses (ie, morphology …
Beneficial microbes ameliorate abiotic and biotic sources of stress on plants
Global climate change and shifting land‐use are increasing plant stress due to abiotic
factors such as drought, heat, salinity and cold, as well as via the intensification of biotic …
factors such as drought, heat, salinity and cold, as well as via the intensification of biotic …