[HTML][HTML] Serial dependence in visual perception: A review
How does the visual system represent continuity in the constantly changing visual input? A
recent proposal is that vision is serially dependent: Stimuli seen a moment ago influence …
recent proposal is that vision is serially dependent: Stimuli seen a moment ago influence …
Perceptual inference employs intrinsic alpha frequency to resolve perceptual ambiguity
The brain uses its intrinsic dynamics to actively predict observed sensory inputs, especially
under perceptual ambiguity. However, it remains unclear how this inference process is …
under perceptual ambiguity. However, it remains unclear how this inference process is …
Spatial correspondence in relative space regulates serial dependence
J Lim, SH Lee - Scientific Reports, 2023 - nature.com
Our perception is often attracted to what we have seen before, a phenomenon called 'serial
dependence.'Serial dependence can help maintain a stable perception of the world, given …
dependence.'Serial dependence can help maintain a stable perception of the world, given …
[HTML][HTML] Spatiotopic updating of visual feature information
Saccades shift the retina with high-speed motion. In order to compensate for the sudden
displacement, the visuomotor system needs to combine saccade-related information and …
displacement, the visuomotor system needs to combine saccade-related information and …
Effects of spatial location on sequential bias in visual perception and memory
임재섭 - 2024 - s-space.snu.ac.kr
The objective of our sensory system is to achieve optimal inference about the external world.
Early studies have unveiled various biases and strategies employed by our visual system to …
Early studies have unveiled various biases and strategies employed by our visual system to …
Spatiotopic updating across saccades in the absence of awareness
Despite the continuously changing visual inputs caused by eye movements, our perceptual
representation of the visual world remains remarkably stable. Visual stability has been a …
representation of the visual world remains remarkably stable. Visual stability has been a …
Evidence for a theta‐band behavioural oscillation in rapid face detection
Theories of rhythmic perception propose that perceptual sampling operates in a periodic
way, with alternating moments of high and low responsiveness to sensory inputs. This …
way, with alternating moments of high and low responsiveness to sensory inputs. This …
Hierarchical visual processing of stimuli with varying complexity
Y Ge - 2021 - search.proquest.com
Our visual system samples external information, adjusts its sensitivity and constructs a stable
representation of the world that allows us to perceive and interact with objects in our …
representation of the world that allows us to perceive and interact with objects in our …
The Time Course of the Integration of Visual Information into the Egocentric Reference Frame
JM Peterson - 2020 - search.proquest.com
An important function of the visual system is to identify and localize objects within our
environment. This task is often facilitated by accounting for the broader visual context in …
environment. This task is often facilitated by accounting for the broader visual context in …