A review on synchrophasor communication system: communication technologies, standards and applications
B Appasani, DK Mohanta - Protection and control of modern …, 2018 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
The present-day power system is a complex network that caters to the demands of several
applications with diverse energy requirements. Such a complex network is susceptible to …
applications with diverse energy requirements. Such a complex network is susceptible to …
Wide-area dam** controller of FACTS devices for inter-area oscillations considering communication time delays
The usage of remote signals obtained from a wide-area measurement system (WAMS)
introduces time delays to a wide-area dam** controller (WADC), which would degrade …
introduces time delays to a wide-area dam** controller (WADC), which would degrade …
Synchrophasor measurement technology in power systems: Panorama and state-of-the-art
Phasor measurement units (PMUs) are rapidly being deployed in electric power networks
across the globe. Wide-area measurement system (WAMS), which builds upon PMUs and …
across the globe. Wide-area measurement system (WAMS), which builds upon PMUs and …
Stability analysis of networked control in smart grids
A suitable networked control scheme and its stability analysis framework have been
developed for controlling inherent electromechanical oscillatory dynamics observed in …
developed for controlling inherent electromechanical oscillatory dynamics observed in …
Performance evaluation of secondary control policies with respect to digital communications properties in inverter-based islanded microgrids
A key challenge for inverted-based microgrids working in islanded mode is to maintain their
own frequency and voltage to a certain reference values while regulating the active and …
own frequency and voltage to a certain reference values while regulating the active and …
A PMU-based LOE protection of synchronous generator in the presence of GIPFC
The existence of a generalized interline power-flow controller (GIPFC) in the transmission
lines changes the voltage and current signals which are measured with the protection relays …
lines changes the voltage and current signals which are measured with the protection relays …
Adaptive algorithm for transmission line protection in the presence of UPFC
The presence of flexible ac transmission system (FACTS) controllers in transmission lines
causes mal-operation of distance relays. The series-shunt FACTS devices have larger …
causes mal-operation of distance relays. The series-shunt FACTS devices have larger …
Wide-area dam** control using multiple DFIG-based wind farms under stochastic data packet dropouts
A Yogarathinam, NR Chaudhuri - IEEE Transactions on Smart …, 2016 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Data dropouts in communication network can have a significant impact on wide-area
oscillation dam** control of a smart power grid with large-scale deployment of distributed …
oscillation dam** control of a smart power grid with large-scale deployment of distributed …
[Free GPT-4]
In this paper, passive and active approaches for the design of fault‐tolerant controllers
(FTCs) are presented. The FTCs are used to improve the dam** of inter‐area oscillations …
(FTCs) are presented. The FTCs are used to improve the dam** of inter‐area oscillations …