Digital innovation in SMEs: a systematic review, synthesis and research agenda

B Ramdani, S Raja, M Kayumova - Information Technology for …, 2022 - Taylor & Francis
This paper presents a systematic literature review on digital innovation in Small and Medium-
sized Enterprises (SMEs). It aims to synthesize previous research and identify knowledge …

Linking information systems and entrepreneurship: A review and agenda for IT‐associated and digital entrepreneurship research

DM Steininger - Information Systems Journal, 2019 - Wiley Online Library
More than 50 years ago, information technology (IT) began to change society, the economy,
and industries worldwide. This change has included waves of technological disruption that …

A microfoundational perspective on SMEs' growth in the digital transformation era

V Scuotto, M Nicotra, M Del Giudice, N Krueger… - Journal of Business …, 2021 - Elsevier
This research illustrates the relevance of individual digital capabilities for SMEs' growth and
innovation performance. Going beyond Penrosian growth theory, taking a microfoundational …

[HTML][HTML] Artificial intelligence adoption in a professional service industry: A multiple case study

J Yang, Y Blount, A Amrollahi - Technological Forecasting and Social …, 2024 - Elsevier
This study explores the factors influencing AI adoption in professional service firms.
Grounded in the Technological-Organizational-Environmental (TOE) framework, we …

Blockchain technology adoption behavior and sustainability of the business in tourism and hospitality SMEs: An empirical study

G Nuryyev, YP Wang, J Achyldurdyyeva, BS Jaw… - Sustainability, 2020 -
This paper investigates the factors influencing the intention to adopt cryptocurrency
payments among small to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in tourism and hospitality …

Benchmarking for organisational competitiveness: a resource-based view perspective

G Malhotra, G Dandotiya, S Shaiwalini… - Benchmarking: An …, 2024 -
Purpose The paper tries to investigate the impact of applications of the resource-based view
(RBV) theory in the management field to improve the firm's profitability. Global firms are …

Information systems success measurement

WH DeLone, ER McLean - Foundations and Trends® in …, 2016 -
Researchers and practitioners alike face a daunting challenge when evaluating the"
success" of information systems. The purpose of this monograph is to deepen, researchers …

Understanding mobile marketing adoption intention by South African SMEs: A multi-perspective framework

DK Maduku, M M**anjira, H Duh - International Journal of Information …, 2016 - Elsevier
This paper examines the key drivers of mobile marketing adoption intention by South African
SMEs using a multi-perspective framework that combines elements in the technological …

Integrated technology-organization-environment (TOE) taxonomies for technology adoption

HO Awa, OU Ojiabo, LE Orokor - Journal of Enterprise Information …, 2017 -
Purpose The TOE framework enjoys robust scholarly accolade but it rarely espouses clearly
task and individual factors. Although task and individual contexts had been separately …

[PDF][PDF] Peluang dan hambatan pengembangan usaha mikro pada era ekonomi digital

E Suwarni, K Sedyastuti, AH Mirza - IKRAITH-EKONOMIKA, 2019 -
The purpose of this research is to analyze the opportunities and obstaclesof the
development of Micro Business in the era of digital economy. The object of this research is …