Mindful judgment and decision making
A full range of psychological processes has been put into play to explain judgment and
choice phenomena. Complementing work on attention, information integration, and learning …
choice phenomena. Complementing work on attention, information integration, and learning …
[PDF][PDF] Time, money, and subjective well-being
Time and money are scarce and precious resources: people experience stress about having
insufficient time, and worry about having insufficient money. This chapter reviews research …
insufficient time, and worry about having insufficient money. This chapter reviews research …
Financial literacy, financial education, and downstream financial behaviors
Policy makers have embraced financial education as a necessary antidote to the increasing
complexity of consumers' financial decisions over the last generation. We conduct a meta …
complexity of consumers' financial decisions over the last generation. We conduct a meta …
Subjective socioeconomic status and income inequality are associated with self-reported morality across 67 countries
Individuals can experience a lack of economic resources compared to others, which we refer
to as subjective experiences of economic scarcity. While such experiences have been …
to as subjective experiences of economic scarcity. While such experiences have been …
Beyond nudges: Tools of a choice architecture
The way a choice is presented influences what a decision-maker chooses. This paper
outlines the tools available to choice architects, that is anyone who present people with …
outlines the tools available to choice architects, that is anyone who present people with …
Abductive theory construction
Consumer research is characterized by two types of research contributions: qualitative
researchers propose original theory and quantitative researchers test existing theory. We …
researchers propose original theory and quantitative researchers test existing theory. We …
Impatience and uncertainty: Experimental decisions predict adolescents' field behavior
We study risk attitudes, ambiguity attitudes, and time preferences of 661 children and
adolescents, aged ten to eighteen years, in an incentivized experiment and relate …
adolescents, aged ten to eighteen years, in an incentivized experiment and relate …
Discounting time and time discounting: Subjective time perception and intertemporal preferences
Consumers often make decisions about outcomes and events that occur over time. This
research examines consumers' sensitivity to the prospective duration relevant to their …
research examines consumers' sensitivity to the prospective duration relevant to their …
[PDF][PDF] The goal construct in social psychology
Goals constitute the focal points around which human behavior is organized. Much of what
people think about, feel, and do revolves around the goals they are trying to meet, or those …
people think about, feel, and do revolves around the goals they are trying to meet, or those …
Nostalgia weakens the desire for money
Nostalgia has a strong presence in the marketing of goods and services. The current
research asked whether its effectiveness is driven by its weakening of the desire for money …
research asked whether its effectiveness is driven by its weakening of the desire for money …