System and method for allocating computing resources of a distributed computing system

S Neiman, R Sulzhyk - US Patent 7,640,547, 2009 - Google Patents
(51) Int. Cl. G06F 9/46(2006.01) In certain aspects, the invention features a system and
method (52) US Cl......... grgr. 718/104; 705/5: 705/80 for (1) receiving reservations for a first …

System architecture for distributed computing and method of using the system

S Neiman, R Sulzhyk - US Patent 7,376,693, 2008 - Google Patents
Related US Application Data In one aspect, the present invention features a system (60)
Provisional application No. 60/355,274, filed on Feb including a local computing device in …

Managing a plurality of processors as devices

M Aguilar Jr, MN Day, MR Nutter, JM Stafford - US Patent 7,523,157, 2009 - Google Patents
US PATENT DOCUMENTS system to facilitate a communication between an application
requesting access to a processor and the processor. A device 4,394,727 A 7, 1983 Hoffman …

System and method for grou** processors and assigning shared memory space to a group in heterogeneous computer environment

M Aguilar Jr, MN Day, MR Nutter, J Xenidis - US Patent 7,389,508, 2008 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A system and method for grou** processors is presented. A processing
unit (PU) initiates an application and identi? es the application's requirements. The PU …

Asymmetric heterogeneous multi-threaded operating system

M Aguilar Jr, MN Day, MR Nutter, JM Stafford - US Patent 7,516,456, 2009 - Google Patents
4,394,727 A* 7/1983 Hoffman et al............. ZE embodiment, the SPU scheduler may use a
single SPU run 3. Hats al. 2. queue to schedule tasks for the plurality of SPUs or, the SPU …

Dynamic allocation of processing tasks using variable performance hardware platforms

LJ Shaffer - US Patent 7,203,943, 2007 - Google Patents
Appl. No.: 10/002,073 The present invention provides for the dynamic allocation of (22)
Filed: Oct. 31, 2001 processing tasks using variable performance hardware. In addition, the …

Self-synchronizing data streaming between address-based producer and consumer circuits

J Roever - US Patent 8,543,746, 2013 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A circuit arrangement and method facilitate the direct stream ing of data
between producer and consumer circuits (12P. 12C) that are otherwise configured to …

Task queue management of virtual devices using a plurality of processors

DA Brokenshire, MN Day, BL Minor, MR Nutter… - US Patent …, 2009 - Google Patents
(57) ABSTRACT A task queue manager manages the task queues correspond ing to virtual
devices. When a virtual device function is requested, the task queue manager determines …

Memory interface for systems with multiple processors and one memory system

F Angsmark, T Nilsson, D Barrow - US Patent App. 10/857,319, 2005 - Google Patents
Memory interface for multi-CPU system provides pre defined time slots in which each CPU
may access an external memory. The time slot assigned to each CPU may be defined …

Balancing computational load across a plurality of processors

BL Minor, MR Nutter, VDD To - US Patent 7,444,632, 2008 - Google Patents
(58) Field of Classification Search................. 718/105, isio0. 71736, 145, 66 (7) ABSTRACT
See application file for complete search history.(56) References Cited Source code …