High–Reynolds number wall turbulence
We review wall-bounded turbulent flows, particularly high–Reynolds number, zero–pressure
gradient boundary layers, and fully developed pipe and channel flows. It is apparent that the …
gradient boundary layers, and fully developed pipe and channel flows. It is apparent that the …
Reynolds number dependence, scaling, and dynamics of turbulent boundary layers
JC Klewicki - 2010 - asmedigitalcollection.asme.org
The past two decades (approximately 1990 to 2010) have witnessed an ever-quickening
pace of new findings pertaining to the Reynolds number dependencies, scaling, and …
pace of new findings pertaining to the Reynolds number dependencies, scaling, and …
One-point statistics for turbulent pipe flow up to
One-point statistics for turbulent pipe flow up to Reτ ≈ 6000 Page 1 J. Fluid Mech. (2021), vol.
926, A28, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.727 One-point statistics for turbulent pipe flow up to Reτ ≈ …
926, A28, doi:10.1017/jfm.2021.727 One-point statistics for turbulent pipe flow up to Reτ ≈ …
A critical-layer framework for turbulent pipe flow
A model-based description of the scaling and radial location of turbulent fluctuations in
turbulent pipe flow is presented and used to illuminate the scaling behaviour of the very …
turbulent pipe flow is presented and used to illuminate the scaling behaviour of the very …
Roughness effects in turbulent pipe flow
Roughness effects in turbulent pipe flow Page 1 J. Fluid Mech. (2006), vol. 564, pp. 267–285.
c 2006 Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/S0022112006001467 Printed in the United …
c 2006 Cambridge University Press doi:10.1017/S0022112006001467 Printed in the United …
A universal velocity profile for smooth wall pipe flow
The most important unanswered questions in turbulence regard the nature of turbulent flow
in the limit of infinite Reynolds number. The Princeton superpipe (PSP) data comprise 26 …
in the limit of infinite Reynolds number. The Princeton superpipe (PSP) data comprise 26 …
Direct numerical simulations of turbulent pipe flow up to
Well-resolved direct numerical simulations (DNS) have been performed of the flow in a
smooth circular pipe of radius dependence at an intermediate distance from the wall–also …
smooth circular pipe of radius dependence at an intermediate distance from the wall–also …
Friction factor and mean velocity profile for pipe flow at high Reynolds numbers
The friction factor for a fully developed pipe flow is examined at high Reynolds numbers up
to Re D= 1.8× 10 7 with high accuracy using the high Reynolds number actual flow facility …
to Re D= 1.8× 10 7 with high accuracy using the high Reynolds number actual flow facility …
Instantaneous wall-shear-stress measurements: advances and application to near-wall extreme events
In this article we provide an overview of widely used methods to measure the mean and
fluctuating components of the wall-shear stress in wall-bounded turbulent flows. We first note …
fluctuating components of the wall-shear stress in wall-bounded turbulent flows. We first note …
Experimental study on the friction coefficient of supercritical carbon dioxide in pipes
This paper has attained friction coefficients of supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO 2) with
various pressures and temperatures in pipes through experiments, of which the temperature …
various pressures and temperatures in pipes through experiments, of which the temperature …