Emergent self-duality in a long-range critical spin chain: From deconfined criticality to first-order transition
Over the past few decades, tremendous efforts have been devoted to understanding self-
duality at the quantum critical point, which enlarges the global symmetry and constrains the …
duality at the quantum critical point, which enlarges the global symmetry and constrains the …
Extended Kitaev chain with longer-range hop** and pairing
A Alecce, L Dell'Anna - Physical Review B, 2017 - APS
We consider the Kitaev chain model with finite and infinite range in the hop** and pairing
parameters, looking in particular at the appearance of Majorana zero-energy modes and …
parameters, looking in particular at the appearance of Majorana zero-energy modes and …
Zero-energy pinning from interactions in Majorana nanowires
Majorana zero modes at the boundaries of topological superconductors are charge-neutral,
an equal superposition of electrons and holes. This ideal situation is, however, hard to …
an equal superposition of electrons and holes. This ideal situation is, however, hard to …
Simulation of a topological phase transition in a Kitaev chain with long-range coupling using a superconducting circuit
We report an experimental work on simulating the Kitaev chain of one-dimensional p-wave
superconductivity with long-range coupling using superconducting quantum circuits. The …
superconductivity with long-range coupling using superconducting quantum circuits. The …
Signatures of Majorana fermions in an elliptical quantum ring
We have investigated the signatures of zero-energy Majorana fermions in an anisotropic
semiconductor quantum ring that contains a few electrons, has a strong spin-orbit …
semiconductor quantum ring that contains a few electrons, has a strong spin-orbit …
Synthesizing Majorana zero-energy modes in a periodically gated quantum wire
We explore a scheme for engineering a one-dimensional spinless p-wave superconductor
hosting unpaired Majorana zero-energy modes, using an all-electric setup with a spin-orbit …
hosting unpaired Majorana zero-energy modes, using an all-electric setup with a spin-orbit …
Transport across a system with three p-wave superconducting wires: effects of Majorana modes and interactions
We study the effects of Majorana modes and interactions between electrons on transport in a
one-dimensional system with a junction of three p-wave superconductors (SCs) which are …
one-dimensional system with a junction of three p-wave superconductors (SCs) which are …
Electron-electron interaction effects in Floquet topological superconducting chains: Suppression of topological edge states and crossover from weak to strong chaos
W Su, MN Chen, LB Shao, L Sheng, DY **ng - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
We study the effects of electron-electron interaction in a Floquet topological superconducting
chain using the exact diagonalization and the dynamics simulation of quenching process. It …
chain using the exact diagonalization and the dynamics simulation of quenching process. It …
Electronic, magnetic and optical properties of quantum rings in novel systems
In the past few decades, major advances in nanofabrication techniques have resulted in the
creation of tunable few-electron nanoscale quantum rings with unique topology and the …
creation of tunable few-electron nanoscale quantum rings with unique topology and the …
A proposal to extract and enhance four-Majorana interactions in hybrid nanowires
We simulate the smallest building block of the Sachdev-Ye-Kitaev (SYK) model, a system of
four interacting Majorana modes. We propose a 1D Kitaev chain that has been split into …
four interacting Majorana modes. We propose a 1D Kitaev chain that has been split into …