Invisibility and cloaking: Origins, present, and future perspectives
The development of metamaterials, ie, artificially structured materials that interact with waves
in unconventional ways, has revolutionized our ability to manipulate the propagation of …
in unconventional ways, has revolutionized our ability to manipulate the propagation of …
Progress and perspective on advanced cloaking metasurfaces: from invisibility to intelligent antennas
Among the different cloaking applications proposed in the literature, the antenna framework
has emerged as one of the most fruitful and mature field. In particular, mantle cloaking …
has emerged as one of the most fruitful and mature field. In particular, mantle cloaking …
Metasurfaces 3.0: a new paradigm for enabling smart electromagnetic environments
So far, the environment has been considered as a source of fading, clutter, and blockage,
with detrimental consequences for efficiency and robustness of communication systems …
with detrimental consequences for efficiency and robustness of communication systems …
Intelligence enabled by 2D metastructures in antennas and wireless propagation systems
The development of the next generation of wireless systems is bringing renewed attention to
the physical layer of the communication link. Indeed, the new low-latency requirements …
the physical layer of the communication link. Indeed, the new low-latency requirements …
[HTML][HTML] Mantle cloaking for co-site radio-frequency antennas
We show that properly designed mantle cloaks, consisting of patterned metallic sheets
placed around cylindrical monopoles, allow tightly packing the same antennas together in a …
placed around cylindrical monopoles, allow tightly packing the same antennas together in a …
[HTML][HTML] Tunable invisibility cloaking by using isolated graphene-coated nanowires and dimers
We investigate, both theoretically and numerically, a graphene-coated nano-cylinder
illuminated by a plane electromagnetic wave in the far-infrared range of frequencies. We …
illuminated by a plane electromagnetic wave in the far-infrared range of frequencies. We …
Dual-polarized reduction of dipole antenna blockage using mantle cloaks
We theoretically and experimentally explore the use of mantle covers to cloak dipole
antennas and reduce their blockage on nearby antennas. The proposed structures allow …
antennas and reduce their blockage on nearby antennas. The proposed structures allow …
Multiwavelength multiplexing hologram designed using impedance metasurfaces
We propose a method to generate microwave holograms using impedance metasurfaces for
multiple simultaneous wavelengths. For recent impedance hologram designs in the …
multiple simultaneous wavelengths. For recent impedance hologram designs in the …
Wideband elliptical metasurface cloaks in printed antenna technology
In this paper, we apply the mantle cloaking method to reduce the mutual coupling between
two closely spaced wideband antennas operating at microwave frequencies. We show that …
two closely spaced wideband antennas operating at microwave frequencies. We show that …
Radio-transparent dipole antenna based on a metasurface cloak
Antenna technology is at the basis of ubiquitous wireless communication systems and
sensors. Radiation is typically sustained by conduction currents flowing around resonant …
sensors. Radiation is typically sustained by conduction currents flowing around resonant …