The effects of self‐myofascial release using a foam roll or roller massager on joint range of motion, muscle recovery, and performance: a systematic review
Background Self‐myofascial release (SMR) is a popular intervention used to enhance a
client's myofascial mobility. Common tools include the foam roll and roller massager. Often …
client's myofascial mobility. Common tools include the foam roll and roller massager. Often …
Effects of self-myofascial release: a systematic review
Background Self-myofascial release (SMFR) is a type of myofascial release performed by
the individual themselves rather than by a clinician, typically using a tool. Objectives To …
the individual themselves rather than by a clinician, typically using a tool. Objectives To …
[HTML][HTML] A meta-analysis of the effects of foam rolling on performance and recovery
Foam rolling is thought to improve muscular performance and flexibility as well as to
alleviate muscle fatigue and soreness. For this reason, foam rolling has become a popular …
alleviate muscle fatigue and soreness. For this reason, foam rolling has become a popular …
Do self-myofascial release devices release myofascia? Rolling mechanisms: a narrative review
The term “self-myofascial release” is ubiquitous in the rehabilitation and training literature
and purports that the use of foam rollers and other similar devices release myofascial …
and purports that the use of foam rollers and other similar devices release myofascial …
Acute effects of foam rolling, static stretching, and dynamic stretching during warm-ups on muscular flexibility and strength in young adults
Context: Foam rolling has been proposed to improve muscle function, performance, and
joint range of motion (ROM). However, whether a foam rolling protocol can be adopted as a …
joint range of motion (ROM). However, whether a foam rolling protocol can be adopted as a …
Foam rolling as a recovery tool following an intense bout of physical activity
GZ MacDonald - 2013 -
Purpose: Understand the effectiveness of foam rolling as a recovery tool following exercise
induced muscle damage (EIMD), analyzing: muscle soreness, dynamic and passive range …
induced muscle damage (EIMD), analyzing: muscle soreness, dynamic and passive range …
Acute effects of foam rolling on range of motion in healthy adults: a systematic review with multilevel meta-analysis
Background Foam rolling (FR) has been demonstrated to acutely enhance joint range of
motion (ROM). However, data syntheses pooling the effect sizes across studies are scarce. It …
motion (ROM). However, data syntheses pooling the effect sizes across studies are scarce. It …
Roller‐massager application to the hamstrings increases sit‐and‐reach range of motion within five to ten seconds without performance impairments
Background: Foam rollers are used to mimic myofascial release techniques and have been
used by therapists, athletes, and the general public alike to increase range of motion (ROM) …
used by therapists, athletes, and the general public alike to increase range of motion (ROM) …
Roller-massager application to the quadriceps and knee-joint range of motion and neuromuscular efficiency during a lunge
DJ Bradbury-Squires, JC Noftall… - Journal of athletic …, 2015 -
Context: Roller massagers are used as a recovery and rehabilitative tool to initiate muscle
relaxation and improve range of motion (ROM) and muscular performance. However …
relaxation and improve range of motion (ROM) and muscular performance. However …
Comparing the effects of self‐myofascial release with static stretching on ankle range‐of‐motion in adolescent athletes
Background: Increased flexibility is often desirable immediately prior to sports performance.
Static stretching (SS) has historically been the main method for increasing joint range‐of …
Static stretching (SS) has historically been the main method for increasing joint range‐of …