Unconventional superconductivity
GR Stewart - Advances in Physics, 2017 - Taylor & Francis
'Conventional'superconductivity, as used in this review, refers to electron–phonon-coupled
superconducting electron pairs described by BCS theory. Unconventional superconductivity …
superconducting electron pairs described by BCS theory. Unconventional superconductivity …
Antiferromagnetic order and spin dynamics in iron-based superconductors
P Dai - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2015 - APS
High-transition temperature (high-T c) superconductivity in the iron pnictides or
chalcogenides emerges from the suppression of the static antiferromagnetic order in their …
chalcogenides emerges from the suppression of the static antiferromagnetic order in their …
Critical quadrupole fluctuations and collective modes in iron pnictide superconductors
VK Thorsmølle, M Khodas, ZP Yin, C Zhang, SV Carr… - Physical Review B, 2016 - APS
The multiband nature of iron pnictides gives rise to a rich temperature-do** phase
diagram of competing orders and a plethora of collective phenomena. At low do**s, the …
diagram of competing orders and a plethora of collective phenomena. At low do**s, the …
[HTML][HTML] The phase diagrams of iron-based superconductors: Theory and experiments
A Martinelli, F Bernardini, S Massidda - Comptes Rendus Physique, 2016 - Elsevier
Phase diagrams play a primary role in the understanding of materials properties. For iron-
based superconductors (Fe-SC), the correct definition of their phase diagrams is crucial …
based superconductors (Fe-SC), the correct definition of their phase diagrams is crucial …
Enhancement of the critical current by surface irregularities in Fe-based superconductors
The critical current Ic of single crystals of the iron pnictide superconductor BaFe2 (As1− xPx)
2 has been studied through measurements of magnetic hysteresis cycles. We show that the …
2 has been studied through measurements of magnetic hysteresis cycles. We show that the …
Nematic Quantum Critical Fluctuations in
We have systematically studied the nematic fluctuations in the electron-doped iron-based
superconductor BaFe 2-x Ni x As 2 by measuring the in-plane resistance change under …
superconductor BaFe 2-x Ni x As 2 by measuring the in-plane resistance change under …
Quantum phase transition inside the superconducting dome of Ba (Fe1− xCox) 2As2 from diamond-based optical magnetometry
Unconventional superconductivity often emerges in close proximity to a magnetic instability.
Upon suppressing the magnetic transition down to zero temperature by tuning the carrier …
Upon suppressing the magnetic transition down to zero temperature by tuning the carrier …
Hedgehog Spin-Vortex Crystal Antiferromagnetic Quantum Criticality in Revealed by NMR
Two ordering states, antiferromagnetism and nematicity, have been observed in most iron-
based superconductors (SCs). In contrast to those SCs, the newly discovered SC CaK (Fe 1 …
based superconductors (SCs). In contrast to those SCs, the newly discovered SC CaK (Fe 1 …
Impact of uniaxial pressure on structural and magnetic phase transitions in electron-doped iron pnictides
We use neutron resonance spin echo and Larmor diffraction to study the effect of uniaxial
pressure on the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural (T s) and antiferromagnetic (AF) phase …
pressure on the tetragonal-to-orthorhombic structural (T s) and antiferromagnetic (AF) phase …
Local orthorhombic lattice distortions in the paramagnetic tetragonal phase of superconducting NaFe1−xNixAs
Understanding the interplay between nematicity, magnetism and superconductivity is pivotal
for elucidating the physics of iron-based superconductors. Here we use neutron scattering to …
for elucidating the physics of iron-based superconductors. Here we use neutron scattering to …