Political finance in comparative perspective
SE Scarrow - Annu. Rev. Polit. Sci., 2007 - annualreviews.org
▪ Abstract This article reviews efforts to study the impact of money in politics in democracies
outside of the United States. In recent years, democracies around the world have begun to …
outside of the United States. In recent years, democracies around the world have begun to …
Campaign finance and American democracy
Y Dawood - Annual Review of Political Science, 2015 - annualreviews.org
This article considers the vast academic literature on campaign finance regulation in the
United States, drawing on the fields of political theory, American politics, election law …
United States, drawing on the fields of political theory, American politics, election law …
[KNYGA][B] Campaign finance and political polarization: When purists prevail
R La Raja, B Schaffner - 2015 - library.oapen.org
Efforts to reform the US campaign finance system typically focus on the corrupting influence
of large contributions. Yet, as Raymond J. La Raja and Brian F. Schaffner argue, reforms …
of large contributions. Yet, as Raymond J. La Raja and Brian F. Schaffner argue, reforms …
Ideological donors, contribution limits, and the polarization of American legislatures
MJ Barber - The Journal of Politics, 2016 - journals.uchicago.edu
This article demonstrates that limits on campaign contributions—which alter a candidate's
ability to raise money from certain types of donors—affect the ideologies of legislators in …
ability to raise money from certain types of donors—affect the ideologies of legislators in …
Information acquisition and institutional design
MC Stephenson - Harv. L. Rev., 2010 - HeinOnline
Although good information is critical to effective decisionmaking, public agents' private
incentives to invest in gathering information may not align with the social interest in their …
incentives to invest in gathering information may not align with the social interest in their …
[KNYGA][B] The limits of electoral reform
Institutions' matter'to electoral reform advocates and political scientists-both argue that
variation in electoral institutions affect how elected officials and citizens behave. Change the …
variation in electoral institutions affect how elected officials and citizens behave. Change the …
Do campaign contribution limits curb the influence of money in politics?
Over 40% of countries around the world have adopted limits on campaign contributions to
curb the influence of money in politics. Yet, we have limited knowledge of whether and how …
curb the influence of money in politics. Yet, we have limited knowledge of whether and how …
The effects of transparency regulation on political trust and perceived corruption: Evidence from a survey experiment
Scholarly evidence of transparency's beneficial effects on trust and perceptions of corruption
remains debated and confined to the study of public administration. We contribute to this …
remains debated and confined to the study of public administration. We contribute to this …
Do political finance reforms reduce corruption?
Reformers claim that public subsidies and regulation of political finance reduce corruption in
politics, while observers worry that they have no impact on corruption, or even increase it …
politics, while observers worry that they have no impact on corruption, or even increase it …
Campaign finance laws, policy outcomes, and political equality in the American states
P Flavin - Political Research Quarterly, 2015 - journals.sagepub.com
Laws that regulate the financing of campaigns are one attempt to attenuate the role of
money in politics and promote more egalitarian policy outcomes. Do states with stricter …
money in politics and promote more egalitarian policy outcomes. Do states with stricter …