[HTML][HTML] 'Learning and Unlearning': Core Leadership Competencies for Driving Success in Special Economic Zones in South Africa

TP Muringa, E Shava - Social Sciences, 2025‏ - mdpi.com
Special Economic Zones (SEZs) are instrumental in promoting industrialisation and
economic growth in many countries, especially within the develo** world. While various …

[HTML][HTML] The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment Inflows of World, Foreign Direct Investment Inflows of Turkey and Types of the Special Economic Zone …

D Ozocakli, B Khanalizadeh - Iranian Journal of Finance, 2022‏ - ijfifsa.ir
There are many factors affecting Foreign Direct Investment inflows into the countries. One of
them is Special Economic Zones that encourage Foreign Direct Investment inflows and …


ИВ Данилова, ТМ Каретникова - Вестник Южно-Уральского …, 2024‏ - cyberleninka.ru
Увеличение темпов экономического роста, привлечение инвестиций, технологиче-ское
развитие–правительства развивающихся стран рассматривают как приоритетные …

[PDF][PDF] Can Early SEZs be Drivers of Economic Growth in Transition Economies? Comparative Analysis: China, Russia, Vietnam

S Park - 2024‏ - jscholarship.library.jhu.edu
This research began with questions arising from disparate economic performance of early
special economic zones (SEZs) in transitional economies at the initial phase of reform and …

[HTML][HTML] Международный опыт районной планировки (на примере Вьетнама)

ДД Киреева, МС Рогачева… - Современные …, 2022‏ - cyberleninka.ru
В современных реалиях в сфере территориального планирования появился ряд
проблем в контексте нехватки высококвалифицированных кадров, недостаточности …

Nesting for Eagles to Lay Eggs? Public Criticism of Special Economic Zones

NV Chính, ĐTT Huyền - The Impact of China's Belt and Road Initiative in …‏ - books.google.com
Scholarships on special economic zones (SEZs) in the Mekong region vary from theoretical
perspectives, sources, and findings. While national reports tend to highlight the importance …

[PDF][PDF] Digitalising Public Services in Supporting Economic Development: The Case of Viet Nam

J Walsh‏ - eria.org
In common with many other one-party nations, Viet Nam has appointed the ruling
Vietnamese Communist Party to play a leading role in enacting state-level developmental …

L'intégration du Vietnam au marché mondial: inégalités et transformations rurales dans les provinces méridionales. Le cas des provinces de Tây Ninh et de Tiên …

A Beaulieu - 2024‏ - corpus.ulaval.ca
Résumé Au cours du processus d'intégration du Vietnam au système économique mondial
depuis le milieu des années 1990, l'État vietnamien a orchestré d'importantes …