Ultrahigh-quality-factor micro-and nanomechanical resonators using dissipation dilution

NJ Engelsen, A Beccari, TJ Kippenberg - Nature Nanotechnology, 2024 - nature.com
Mechanical resonators are widely used in sensors, transducers and optomechanical
systems, where mechanical dissipation sets the ultimate limit to performance. Over the past …

Advances in lithium niobate photonics: development status and perspectives

G Chen, N Li, JD Ng, HL Lin, Y Zhou, YH Fu… - Advanced …, 2022 - spiedigitallibrary.org
Lithium niobate (LN) has experienced significant developments during past decades due to
its versatile properties, especially its large electro-optic (EO) coefficient. For example, bulk …

Cavity magnonics

BZ Rameshti, SV Kusminskiy, JA Haigh, K Usami… - Physics Reports, 2022 - Elsevier
Cavity magnonics deals with the interaction of magnons—elementary excitations in
magnetic materials—and confined electromagnetic fields. We introduce the basic physics …

Circuit quantum electrodynamics

A Blais, AL Grimsmo, SM Girvin, A Wallraff - Reviews of Modern Physics, 2021 - APS
Quantum-mechanical effects at the macroscopic level were first explored in Josephson-
junction-based superconducting circuits in the 1980s. In recent decades, the emergence of …

Superconducting qubit to optical photon transduction

M Mirhosseini, A Sipahigil, M Kalaee, O Painter - Nature, 2020 - nature.com
Conversion of electrical and optical signals lies at the foundation of the global internet. Such
converters are used to extend the reach of long-haul fibre-optic communication systems and …

Superconducting-qubit readout via low-backaction electro-optic transduction

RD Delaney, MD Urmey, S Mittal, BM Brubaker… - Nature, 2022 - nature.com
Entangling microwave-frequency superconducting quantum processors through optical light
at ambient temperature would enable means of secure communication and distributed …

Microwave-optical quantum frequency conversion

X Han, W Fu, CL Zou, L Jiang, HX Tang - Optica, 2021 - opg.optica.org
Photons at microwave and optical frequencies are principal carriers for quantum information.
While microwave photons can be effectively controlled at the local circuit level, optical …

Development of quantum interconnects (quics) for next-generation information technologies

D Awschalom, KK Berggren, H Bernien, S Bhave… - Prx Quantum, 2021 - APS
Just as “classical” information technology rests on a foundation built of interconnected
information-processing systems, quantum information technology (QIT) must do the same. A …

Coherent coupling between phonons, magnons, and photons

Z Shen, GT Xu, M Zhang, YL Zhang, Y Wang… - Physical Review Letters, 2022 - APS
Mechanical degrees of freedom, which have often been overlooked in various quantum
systems, have been studied for applications ranging from quantum information processing to …

Perspectives on quantum transduction

N Lauk, N Sinclair, S Barzanjeh… - Quantum Science …, 2020 - iopscience.iop.org
Quantum transduction, the process of converting quantum signals from one form of energy to
another, is an important area of quantum science and technology. The present perspective …