A comprehensive review on Internet of Things application placement in Fog computing environment
With the rise in Internet of Things (IoT) technology in recent years the amount of resource
requirement of various IoT applications substantially increases. The data generated by …
requirement of various IoT applications substantially increases. The data generated by …
A survey on mobile edge computing: The communication perspective
Driven by the visions of Internet of Things and 5G communications, recent years have seen
a paradigm shift in mobile computing, from the centralized mobile cloud computing toward …
a paradigm shift in mobile computing, from the centralized mobile cloud computing toward …
Joint service caching and task offloading for mobile edge computing in dense networks
Mobile Edge Computing (MEC) pushes computing functionalities away from the centralized
cloud to the network edge, thereby meeting the latency requirements of many emerging …
cloud to the network edge, thereby meeting the latency requirements of many emerging …
Anomaly detection using edge computing in video surveillance system
The current concept of smart cities influences urban planners and researchers to provide
modern, secured and sustainable infrastructure and gives a decent quality of life to its …
modern, secured and sustainable infrastructure and gives a decent quality of life to its …
Edge caching and computation management for real-time internet of vehicles: An online and distributed approach
J Zhao, X Sun, Q Li, X Ma - IEEE Transactions on Intelligent …, 2020 - ieeexplore.ieee.org
Vehicular Edge Computing (VEC) is expected to be an effective solution to meet the ultra-
low delay requirements of many emerging Internet of Vehicles (IoV) services by shifting the …
low delay requirements of many emerging Internet of Vehicles (IoV) services by shifting the …
Hybrid method for minimizing service delay in edge cloud computing through VM migration and transmission power control
Due to physical limitations, mobile devices are restricted in memory, battery, processing,
among other characteristics. This results in many applications that cannot be run in such …
among other characteristics. This results in many applications that cannot be run in such …
Application aware workload allocation for edge computing-based IoT
Empowered by computing resources at the network edge, data sensed from Internet of
Things (IoT) devices can be processed and stored in their nearby cloudlets to reduce the …
Things (IoT) devices can be processed and stored in their nearby cloudlets to reduce the …
Optimization of lightweight task offloading strategy for mobile edge computing based on deep reinforcement learning
H Lu, C Gu, F Luo, W Ding, X Liu - Future Generation Computer Systems, 2020 - Elsevier
With the maturity of 5G technology and the popularity of intelligent terminal devices, the
traditional cloud computing service model cannot deal with the explosive growth of business …
traditional cloud computing service model cannot deal with the explosive growth of business …
Distributed and dynamic service placement in pervasive edge computing networks
The explosive growth of mobile devices promotes the prosperity of novel mobile
applications, which can be realized by service offloading with the assistance of edge …
applications, which can be realized by service offloading with the assistance of edge …
Dynamic service placement in multi-access edge computing: A systematic literature review
The advent of new cloud-based applications such as mixed reality, online gaming,
autonomous driving, and healthcare has introduced infrastructure management challenges …
autonomous driving, and healthcare has introduced infrastructure management challenges …