Perceived organizational support and organizational citizenship behavior–A study of the moderating effect of volunteer participation motivation, and cross-level effect …

JC Kao, CC Cho, RH Kao - Frontiers in Psychology, 2023 -
The purpose of this study is to examine the relationship between perceived organizational
support and organizational citizenship behavior, and to explore the moderating effect of …

[HTML][HTML] The predictive effect of relative intuition on social entrepreneurship orientation: How do exploratory and exploitative learning and personal identity interact?

P **aobao, C Hongyu, EM Horsey - Acta Psychologica, 2023 - Elsevier
This study complements the stream of psychology studies on the effects of an individual's
intuition on strategic decisions and how it shapes behavioral tendencies by extending how …

Социально-психологические предпосылки конструктивного патриотизма подростков и молодежи: систематический обзор эмпирических исследований

СВ Васильева, АВ Микляева - 2024 -
56 (ориентация на социальную справедливость и альтруизм); особенности обработки
социальной информации (рефлексивность, рациональность в противоположность …

How is employee performance affected by employer branding in tourism businesses? Mediation analysis

BS Al-Romeedy, MF El-bardan… - Journal of Hospitality and …, 2024 -
Purpose The study's objective is to assess the impact of employer branding (EB) on person–
job fit (PJF), work engagement (WE), internal communication (IC) and employee …

From values to value: exploring the dual impact of national spirit on corporate ESG performance

W Tan, Y Liu, Q Dong, XH Chen - Journal of Accounting Literature, 2025 -
Purpose National spirit, as a powerful legitimacy trait, shapes the consistency of a firm's
financial decisions, employee engagement and sustainability strategies. Combining this with …

Investigating the impact of Organizational Citizenship Behavior on Supply Chain Performance and Corporate Sustainability: an empirical study

M Khan, AT Dedahanov, Y Khadir… - Cogent Business & …, 2025 - Taylor & Francis
This study empirically examines the influence of six dimensions of Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on Supply Chain Performance (SCP) and subsequently …

Organizational citizenship behavior: adaptation and validation of the OCB scale CCOE-R

PC Neves, A Palma-Moreira, C Andrade… - Frontiers in …, 2024 -
Introduction Organizational Citizenship Behavior has evolved as a pivotal concept in
organizational behavior because of its importance on fostering the success of organizations …

Examination of organizational citizenship behavior influence on employee performance attainment: an empirical investigation

TA Wonda - Cogent Business & Management, 2024 - Taylor & Francis
This study examines the influence of Organizational Citizenship Behavior (OCB) on
employee performance at the Commercial Bank of Ethiopia, Woldia District. Addressing …

Challenges Posed by COVID-19 on Doctoral Students' Wellbeing in Russia: Of International and Domestic Doctoral Students, Who Suffers More?

N Abdul-Rahaman - Psychology Research and Behavior …, 2023 - Taylor & Francis
Background While universities closed, implementing remote teaching and learning in
response to COVID-19, this change significantly impacted the lives of graduate students …

The Impact of Organizational Citizenship on Job Performance of Employees in the Private Automotive Sector in Saudi Arabia in the light of 2030's vision

AF Ali, E Eid, H Alhadad - المجلة العربية للعلوم و نشر …, 2024‎ -
The study aimed to explore the relationship between the development of Organizational
Citizenship Behavior (OCB) and employee performance in the private automotive sector in …