Global distribution and coincidence of pollution, climate impacts, and health risk in the Anthropocene
Previous research demonstrates that low-income countries face higher risks than high-
income countries from toxic pollution and climate change. However, the relationship …
income countries from toxic pollution and climate change. However, the relationship …
[HTML][HTML] Flood risk perceptions and future migration intentions of Lagos residents
Coastal communities across the world face intense and frequent flooding due to the rise in
extreme rainfall and storm surges associated with climate change. Adaptation is therefore …
extreme rainfall and storm surges associated with climate change. Adaptation is therefore …
Integrating ToxPi outputs with ArcGIS Dashboards to identify neighborhood threat levels of contaminant transferal during flood events
The convergence of flooding and environmental contamination heightens the potential for
mobility and transfer of toxic substances. Spatial analytic platforms can help identify the risks …
mobility and transfer of toxic substances. Spatial analytic platforms can help identify the risks …
Advancing the toxics mobility inventory: development and application of a toxics mobility vulnerability index to Harris County, Texas
Harris County, Texas, is home to thousands of documented sources of environmental
pollution. It is also highly vulnerable to impacts from natural hazards, including floods …
pollution. It is also highly vulnerable to impacts from natural hazards, including floods …
COVID-19 and health inequality: the nexus of race, income and mortality in New York City
Purpose The purpose of this paper is to evaluate socioeconomic factors related to COVID-19
mortality rates in New York City (NYC) to understand the connections between …
mortality rates in New York City (NYC) to understand the connections between …
Unequally prepared: a distributive equity study of local emergency management funding in Virginia, USA
Purpose Recent US federal executive orders have prioritized equity within the federal
government, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has declared equity …
government, and the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has declared equity …
Toxicity travels in a changing climate
Climate change is imposing substantial consequences across physical and social
infrastructures. The extent of social disruption and risk to human health are, however …
infrastructures. The extent of social disruption and risk to human health are, however …
Unmasking disaster disparities and inequality in local emergency management
The disproportionate impact of COVID-19 across racial and socioeconomic lines in the
United States underscores long-standing disaster impact inequities that parallel those …
United States underscores long-standing disaster impact inequities that parallel those …